In this week’s mailbag, I’ll tell you my top picks for holsters, tips on guns for those with arthritis, how to be prepared on a budget and more!
Meta-Description: In this week’s mailbag, I’ll tell you my top picks for holsters, tips on guns for those with arthritis, how to be prepared on a budget and more!
With more and more people carrying concealed these days, I want to share with you some pros and cons of carrying a firearm off your body — but still within range so you can hopefully use it if needed.
If you look at gun control in the past and compare it to current gun control measures, you will learn some interesting information that disputes the need for stricter gun laws. Take a look and decide for yourself.
There are many factors that go into making a vehicle purchase. Planning for a potential bug-out situation throws another wrench into your decision. Today, Jason explores different bug-out transportation options and goes over the most important things to consider before you make a purchase.
This week, read up on missions in space, what’s causing the spike in liver damage and cancer, and which disasters and emergencies are most likely to affect you and how to prepare for them.
One thing that cannot be avoided this time of year — whether you are on a family vacation, tending to your lawn or garden or taking your dog to the park — is the summer heat. Today, Jason breaks down how your wardrobe decisions can help you survive even the hottest of days.
In this week’s mailbag, I’ll reveal my top picks for drones, how to keep your knife sharp, the best way to deal with mysterious phone calls and more.
Today, Modern Combat & Survival’s Jeff Anderson poses some tough questions you should ask yourself to see if you have what it takes to defend your home with a firearm.
Today, Jason runs down where to find four alternative sources of water right in your very own home PLUS two ways to ensure you always have clean, drinkable water in an emergency.
Let’s say you’ve settled on a shotgun as your home defense weapon of choice. What kind of ammunition should you buy? Today, Jason Hanson runs down four of the most common types of shotgun ammo to help you decide which ones to stock up on.
I’ve cultivated a collection of questions on one of my all-time favorite topics: guns. Read on to discover my top pocket pistol recommendations, how to carry a concealed weapon in California, the best products to use to care for and maintain your firearms — and much, much more.
Today, Robert Boyd from 4Patriots reveals what terrifying substances are lurking in our drinking water. But don’t worry — he also explains the simplest way to protect yourself and your family.
The countries that use USB devices to spy aren’t just targeting other spies. They’re also targeting average citizens like you and me. So here are a few basic precautions you should take when using USB devices — both at home and abroad.
The fact is the better you care for and develop your body now, the better it will serve you in times of stress. Today, Jeff Anderson runs down three survival fitness tips designed to help you build muscle and burn fat.
This week’s mailbag questions are all about avoiding danger at all costs. You’ll learn how to protect yourself from phone scammers, looters, natural disasters and more.
One of the last things you want to deal with in an emergency is a bunch of soggy survival gear. To keep your supplies high and dry during a downpour or severe flooding, here are three ways to waterproof your gear.
This week’s rundown of must-read articles focuses on different aspects of personal protection. Discover the best way to “warrant-proof” your smartphone, the easiest way to keep your guns from jamming in a critical moment, six basic travel tips you should commit to memory and more.
Today, our friends over at 4Patriots reveal an ominously named training exercise helping the people of Wisconsin prepare for an even darker reality. You’ll also learn how to apply a similar approach so you can act without hesitation in the event of a major grid-down scenario.
In this week’s mailbag, I’ll reveal my favorite way to store emergency water, the best way to communicate across the country (or the globe) after a disaster, what you need for covert cooking during a crisis and more.
Satellite internet doesn’t require on-the-ground infrastructure like traditional internet providers. Since it can be so effective in remote locations or after a disaster, here are two reliable options for satellite internet providers.