Escape and Evasion Tactics Everyone Should Know

Did you know that 30% of Americans believe that we’re headed toward another “Civil War”?

This is from a poll of average U.S. citizens who are seeing the news and realizing that we’re more divided as a country than we have been since the “original” Civil War.

In any case, you and I both know that we’re going to be seeing more and more protests and political demonstrations exploding all over the country, right?

Trust me, no matter where you live, you MUST be prepared for the fallout.

(Remember the violent Ferguson, MO riots?) These demonstrations sometimes come in a split second and without warning.

When these happen, it puts you and your loved ones in serious danger and your sole mission at this point is to:

  • Escape the danger as quickly as possible; and
  • Evade the fleeing or rampaging masses until you can get to safe zone

While many more people are taking their preparedness more seriously, few ever plan for an “escape & evasion” scenario that ensures they can get home safely.

Everyone is your enemy.
I know that sounds weird, but in chaotic events, people go into “panic mode” and can cause you harm.

Much like how a drowning victim can pull you down with them, desperate citizens or spooked police can mistake you as a threat – so stay clear of everyone as much as possible.

Think “battlefield movement”.
On the battlefield, you never want to expose yourself for too long.
Instead, you need to carefully plot out your next position and quickly go from cover to cover where you’re protected.

Too many people – when frantic – end up making deadly mistakes because they aren’t able to tactically evaluate their options during the chaos.

I can tell you from being in combat that this can’t be understated…

Choosing the WRONG movement pattern can put you and your family in serious danger – more so than if you would just take a few extra seconds to think like a “chess player” and evaluate your next 2-3 moves.

Just be careful: Hesitation kills!

You must be able to think on your feet and take fast, decisive action in the right direction.

When escaping chaos, make sure you can see your next safe-spot before you go running out into the turmoil to get stampeded or targeted.

Have the right “escape & evasion” gear.
These are the items that you can use to protect yourself from attack as well as travel undetected through an area.

You may even have to quickly disguise yourself to avoid detection if you’re being targeted or tracked down by predators or even authorities.

In our free survival gear secrets report, we talk about how these items you should carry with you can help you survive a violent event and navigate your way to safety quickly.

Things like a “covert handcuff key” in case you were illegally bound and held hostage (or detained) … personal weapons to protect yourself… and others.

Please don’t take this type of equipment lightly.

From my perspective, it’s a critical component of any survival plan and I’ve found a way to carry all this gear without even noticing it.

It’s not heavy or bulky and no one will even know you’re carrying it – especially you.

Check out our free survival gear guide now and customize your “every day carry” gear now – before an instant disaster strikes.

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