
Training Day

It was early one afternoon on a chilly day in the late fall and I was running a training (evaluation) exercise for our new candidates for the Hard Targets team in Directorate of Operations. They were from a few different agencies within the Intelligence Community’s Operations Directorates (and one was even from an outside agency). …


Home Security

In this week’s mailbag I’ll discuss the Ruger Security 9, background checks, air rifles, editing your home defense plan to fit your limits, shoulder holster suggestions and more. Let’s dive in… I read recently that one of the guns you own is a Ruger 9 mm, although I cannot recall the exact model. I personally …


First 60 Minutes

Imagine sitting at home one evening when you notice the sky turning an ominous color green and the next thing you know it’s pouring down rain, while devastating winds are ripping apart your home. Well, this is exactly what happened to Mary Branstetter and her husband, who live in Nowata County, Oklahoma. According to Mary, …


Training Your Eyes for the Dark

Earlier this year, Hurricane Florence hit the Carolina’s hard, dropping over 35 inches of rain and causing over $12 billion in damages. As a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds over 130 mph, one of the biggest threats resulting from the storm was the occurrence of freshwater flooding, especially in North Carolina. In Bladen County, …


Close Quarters Gun Fighting

In this week’s mailbag I’ll provide you with information on the Close Quarters Gun Fighting class, CCW requirements, wildfire safety, the benefit of safe blankets and more. Let’s dive in… Please provide more info on the Close Quarters Gun Fighting class… Location, timeframe, requirements, etc… – Lenny O Answer: The Close Quarters Gun Fighting Class …


Beware During the Holidays

Here are 5 Ways to Stay Safer This Year Unfortunately, during Thanksgiving and Christmas, many cities see an uptick in crime, especially crimes such as burglaries. For instance, last Thanksgiving, police in West, TX received multiple calls on Thanksgiving night regarding vehicle and home burglaries. At least nine vehicles and two homes were burglarized, with …


Beginners Guide

In this week’s Must-Read articles you will find a beginner’s guide to AR’s, how you can find good reloading brass, first aid tricks in a pinch, poisonous plants to watch for and how to reset your finances. Let’s dive in… AR-15 Beginners Guide Have you been interested in AR’s and just didn’t know where to …


Choosing a Bug Out Bag

Why This Woman Survived In Death Valley In Eastern California (near the Nevada border) lies some of the most unforgiving terrain on the planet, known as Death Valley National Park. During the summer months, temperatures in Death Valley can be some of the hottest on earth. On July 10th, 1913, the hottest temperature ever recorded …


Repeat Offender

In this week’s mailbag I’ll discuss indoor heaters, repeat criminals, how to protect yourself if you have limited mobility, CIA workouts and more. Let’s dive in… The use of open flame heating that is unvented to the outdoors can be deadly. Burning produces carbon monoxide and unless you leave a window open in the room …


Your Emergency Kit

UN Report Says Disasters Are Increasing… It’s More Important Than Ever to Prepare Does it seem like there are more natural disasters than there used to be? And that they’re getting worse? And destroying more property? And taking more lives? It certainly does to us at 4Patriots. But I’ve wondered if maybe that’s because we’re …


Staying Safe From Tick Bites

Most of us love being outside hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, shooting, running, exercising, even doing yard work. As relaxing and natural as that may be, there are many potential threats that we must be aware of that could cause injury or illness. One of the most innocuous, yet irritating and potentially deadly threats, are ticks. …


Dirty Gun?

In this week’s Must-Read articles you will learn how predators are using video games against us, how often you should clean your gun, which winter items to keep in your car, what antibiotics work best for infections and read about the 5 most reliable handguns in the world. Let’s dive in… Predators Using Online Games …


Webcam Hacking Privacy Alert

This one will REALLY surprise you… You’ve heard me talk a lot about why you need a “digital throwaway” in order to protect yourself from government snoops who are targeting the most patriotic of our American citizens. (You know, like “Conservatives” … people who disagree with the direction of the U.S. government… believe in the …


Neighborly Advice

In this week’s mailbag we will discuss concealed carry permits, new tracking technology, monitoring your neighbors questionable activity, developing hand strength, defense weapons and more. Let’s dive in! They are talking about putting computer chips in people so that they can track the location of everyone at all times. Ostensibly it is to protect pedestrians. …


Top Back Up Heating Options

One winter, James Glanton and his girlfriend, Christina McIntee, along with four children, decided to go for a drive in their 2006 Jeep into the mountains of northwestern Nevada. While traveling on a backcountry road, their Jeep overturned and slid down an embankment landing on its roof. Luckily, everyone was safe from the accident but …


How To Protect Your Spouse In Public

You’re at dinner with your wife, and you’ve just surprised her with an early anniversary gift. Her eyes light up and you think, “yep, I’ve still got it.” You leave the restaurant together, holding hands with fingers interlaced as you make your way through the parking lot. An armed man waits in the shadows, stalking …


AR Building

In this week’s mailbag we will discuss EMP’s, AR-15 building, how to defend yourself in a parking garage, escape and evasion and more. Let’s dive in! Is there a way to protect a pacemaker from EMP? – William H Answer: A lot of folks want to know exactly what sort of electronic devices would be …


FEMA Admits They’ve Fallen Short

“We are experiencing a continuous increase in the number of extreme weather events. (Yet) the vast majority of Americans remain unprepared for major disasters.” – Dr. Irwin Redlener, Director for the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University I suppose in a perfect world, the government would immediately step in during disasters. And they’d …



We’ve been getting tetanus shots since we were kids. Now it’s just sort of a reflex that every time we go to the Emergency Room or to our personal physician, we’re asked whether or not our tetanus status is up to date. What’s the big deal anyway? No one’s ever died of tetanus. Have they? …


Criminal Mindset

In this week’s Must-Read articles will introduce communication plans, the strength of digital forensics, why it’s important to think like a criminal, the newest tactical handgun, and some additional tips on how to protect your home. Let’s dive in… Do You Have a Family Communications Plan? When you go out of town, often you may …


Carrying a Back-up Firearm

One of the most famous gunfights of the 20th century, occurred on April 11th, 1986 in Miami-Dade County, Florida. On this day, 14 FBI agents met in the morning at a local Home Depot to plan their search for a stolen vehicle that was believed to be driven by two suspects who had carried out …