A 15-year-old boy and his sister were alone at their home in Harris County, Texas when they heard glass breaking downstairs. The teenager grabbed his father’s AR-15 and went downstairs with the rifle and spotted the two burglars in the living room. The teenager opened fire with the rifle firing several shots, striking one of …
Ok, here’s a “quick defense tip” you can test right away… You see, home invaders rely on gaining control of your home without outside detection, right? When no one knows these sadistic predators have taken over you and your family, they can camp out for days and play out any number of sick fantasies they …
In this week’s mailbag I’ll discuss what information you should provide when buying a prepaid phone, the legality of stun guns, and how to go about handling post earthquake cooking. I’ll also go over proximity when using an execution torch, what my Every Day Carry items are and where I place them and lastly, my …
In 2017, the U.S. experienced a record year of weather and climate-related disasters, including major hurricanes, several huge wildfires and flooding that hit parts of the U.S. All told, the damage from natural disasters came out to about $306 billion, making it the most expensive year for natural disasters in U.S. history. While the damage …
In this week’s Must-Read articles learn about information on burglaries that could save you from becoming a victim of one along with how to recognize and survive carbon monoxide poisoning. I will also share with you tips on how to choose the right knife sharpener for you, give you a look at some of the …
In May 2019, a 67-year-old man shot his neighbor’s dog in self-defense one Sunday afternoon after the pit bull attacked him outside of his house in Manchester, New Hampshire. The victim, Carlos R. told police he had left his home at about 1 p.m. to take his small dog on a walk when he saw …
In this week’s mailbag I’ll explain where to find QuikClot and Swat-T Tourniquet’s along with which holster I recommend for the Sig Sauer 938. I’ll also discuss how to remain secure when buying smart tv’s, building a smokeless fire and which spy camera glasses to consider. And finally, I’ll discuss what consequences to consider when …
A Canandaigua, NY man named Jonathan Roberts is facing multiple charges after allegedly violating weapons laws by purchasing gun part modifications for Glocks from China. It all began when Customs and Border Patrol agents intercepted a package in New York City that contained a selector switch for a Glock. This device converts Glock pistols into …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we will take a look at what you need to keep in your digital bag along with the real and scary side effects of sleep deprivation. You will see real explanation of your chances of surviving a gunshot based on the location of penetration and caliber. Take a look at …
Using public Wi-Fi is never a good idea in terms of cybersecurity. But let’s face it: we all do it from time to time, either out of necessity or convenience. If you’re aware of the risks, you probably turn on the VPN, or Virtual Private Network, to encrypt your traffic and protect your data while …
In this week’s mailbag I’ll discuss my take on earplugs as part of your everyday carry along with which sling I recommend to use for the AR-15. I’ll also go over the precautions I take to allow optimum safety and awareness in a public bathroom. I’ll explain some benefits of tactical flashlights and how to …
When a gunman opened fire in a University of North Carolina at Charlotte classroom, the reaction from most students in the room was to run for the door. However, one student, Riley Howell, charged and knocked into the shooter according to police. Howell died for his heroic efforts as he was shot point blank by …
In this week’s Must-Read articles learn what your options are for home defense weapons as well as how you can survive without access to food and water. You will also get a take on how to turn complacency with alarms into a more productive and responsive alert system. See how Samsung is tackling technology of …
For the first time ever, members of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing group made a joint public appearance in the U.K. to discuss how they work together in the intelligence world. Created in 1941, the Five Eyes alliance includes Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K. and the U.S. where they share military and human intelligence. During …
In this week’s mailbag I’ll explain… How much gasoline to keep on hand in case of an emergency… My take on AR-15 pistols… How criminals are using drones to case your home… My most important advice when trying to join the CIA… How states are trampling our 2nd amendment rights… And more! Let’s dive in… …
While training law enforcement in self-defense at the local, state and federal levels over the last 25 years, getting a proper curriculum “approved” to meet both ethical and legal standards has always been a challenge. On one hand, I need to keep within important guidelines of standards, good decision making and proper response given a …
In this week’s Must-Read articles see how you can signal for help even without commonly used tools as well as 3 fast and effective ways to siphon gas from a car. Discover if you would survive in a threatening situation, along with how to spot the 4 most common real estate scams criminals are using …
Beginning July 1st, 2019, a new law will take effect in California that requires people purchasing ammunition to pass a background check, also called an eligibility check by the Department of Justice. In addition, when purchasing ammo in CA every purchase will be reported to the DOJ including the amount of ammo bought. This new …
In this week’s mailbag I’ll discuss how much cash to keep on hand in case of an emergency, the pluses and minus’ to batons for self-defense and how the FFL could affect you under a policy change. I’ll also explain how you can effectively find hidden surveillance equipment in your home or hotel room, tips …
This may be a tough situation for you to consider… But it’s important for you to have a plan NOW so you know how to react if your home is ever invaded and your family’s life is on the line. You see, home invaders thrive on power and intimidation. So let me ask you… What …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we will take a look into how a bullet penetrates different materials along with how you can start a fire with water. We will also visit the debate over steel vs paper targets, as well as a breakdown of all the different door security and reinforcement options and finally, the …
When Hurricane Irma hit Florida in 2017, it was the strongest storm in the Atlantic since Wilma in 2005 and was the strongest storm on record in the open Atlantic Ocean. Irma was the first Category 5 hurricane of the 2017 season, causing widespread and catastrophic damage, particularly in the northeastern Caribbean and the Florida …
In this week’s mailbag I’ll discuss… Why I choose 9mm over .45 cal… Specs for the CZ P-10 C… Whether or not to bother with your lights when an intruder breaks in… How to know when you are justified to take action with your firearm… What to do when an explosion goes off… And how to …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we’ll dive into what you need to know to turn an old cellphone into a survival tool as well as which holster is right for not only your firearm but also your clothing. We will also take a look at which documents are most important to have and how you …