From 1974 to 1986, an evil man dubbed the Golden State Killer committed at least 13 murders, raped more than 50 women and carried out over 100 burglaries. He is believed to be responsible for at least three crime sprees throughout California, each of which spawned a different nickname in the press, before it became …
In this week’s mailbag we cover… Knives made of fabricated carbon… Whether or not dry fire practice wears down the firing pin… The minimum amount of ammo you should have on hand… The safest place to sit in a restaurant… Protective measures when you are alone at night… And how long it takes to get …
London’s Metropolitan Police identified the man and woman killed in a terrorist attack near London Bridge in the central part of the city. Jack Merritt, 25, and Saskia Jones, 23 were both participating in the University of Cambridge’s Learning Together prisoner education event, where Usman Khan launched his fatal stabbing attack. Merritt was a course …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… Understanding the basics of suturing… What you need to know about handgun safeties… Ham radio emergency frequencies to have on hand… How moving will keep you alive… And your guide to surviving landslides. Let’s dive in… The Basics of Suturing Some of the worst accidents happen when you …
NOTHING about this gunfight was “textbook”… It first seemed like just another normal “Can you please keep it down?” domestic call on a drunken homeowner. But talking with the man in his hallway, the officer wasn’t getting the response he expected, and things began to heat up. In one bone-jarring crunch, the officer suddenly found himself being …
In this week’s mailbag we cover… If you should use a stun gun on a harassing dog… How to handle an emergency in a high-rise… Escaping duct tape if your hands are tied in the back… Problems with a finger print safe… My take on the 38 revolver… And how Spy Week is available to …
Hewlett-Packard was founded in a one-car garage in San Mateo, CA by Bill Hewlett and David Packard, where they first produced a line of electronic test equipment. From 2007 to 2013, HP was the world’s leading PC manufacturer. However, in 2005, Hewlett-Packard was roiled by corporate infighting and management concerns that a board member was …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… Uses for 55-gallon drums… The biggest mistakes you can make in a blackout… 7 of the best survival socks out there… The 5 tactical tips you need in your life… And they myths and truths of making a fist. Let’s dive in… 35 Uses for Metal 55-Gallon Drums …
Last year a University of Utah track athlete was shot and killed on campus by a man she had dated and reported to police about his suspicious behavior. University of Utah police found Lauren McCluskey’s body in the back seat of a car on campus after her worried mother called police. McCluskey, 21, apparently had …
If you’ve seen the movie War Dogs, then you are familiar with the story of Efraim Diveroli and David Packouz, two pot smoking friends from Miami Beach who landed a $298 million contract from the Department of Defense to supply ammunition to the Afghan military in 2007. The way these guys got started was the …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… Where to avoid during an emergency… Keeping your food stockpile free from moisture and pests… What you need to know before self-defense training via videos… How to tell if someone is carrying a weapon… And making your ammunition stockpile last the long haul. Let’s dive in… Places to …
On March 18, 1990, two police officers entered the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston and told security guards they were responding to disturbance. One of the two security guards working that night, Rick Abath, allowed the cops in through the employee entrance. As the officers approached Abath at his desk, they asked if anyone …
In this week’s mailbag we cover… My recommendation for home defense ammunition… My take on Uber… How to transport your firearms when travelling… Handling a potential hijacking… Learning the art of elicitation… And my thoughts on pepper spray. Let’s dive in… I recently bought my first gun. A Mossberg 590 12-gauge shotgun. What is your …
It’s no secret that the Soviet Union used brutal tactics to eliminate and intimidate perceived threats. Brutal assassinations by Russia are nothing new, and these types of orders were often given by Joseph Stalin, long before Vladimir Putin came along. During the Cold War, when the entire world watched the power struggle between the United …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… Whether or not waterproof boots are worth it… Tips to prevent mold in your food storage… Where to keep knives in easy reach… How to survive an avalanche… And how an AR-15’s magazine held up after 5 years in storage. Let’s dive in… Waterproof boots: Are they worth …
Max and I were on an operation that required deep cover. The government even had special gear designed and built specifically for what we were tasked with accomplishing. You may have heard the saying we have in the military, “We aren’t fighting to kill the enemy as much as we are fighting to protect our …
In this week’s mailbag we cover… Whether or not Blackberry’s have GPS technology… If you should draw your gun when one is drawn on you… Ways to holster a gun under your wheelchair… How I access my gun quickly in a home invasion… If you can own a gun with a non violent felony… And …
One morning, Sony Pictures employees who logged on to their desktops were greeted with the sound of digital gunfire and the image of a red skeleton under the title “Hacked By #GOP,” which stood for a shady organization called Guardians of Peace. Below was a message that read, in not very good English, “We’ve already …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… How to spot thieves, thugs and terrorists… Effective ways to use a survival blanket… How to handle chemical emergencies… Practical tips for hand to hand combat… And what you need to know about trigger discipline. Let’s dive in… How to Spot Thieves, Thugs and Terrorists While situational awareness …
Most areas of the United States have surely had their blessings over the last decade, as the area many of us call home, has seen a drop in overall crime. The problem is that this news sometimes relaxes our awareness and leaves us more prone to actual crime we thought we were safe from. As …
Where to buy parts for your ghost gun… My thoughts on wearing body armor daily… How to stop receiving scammy phone calls… What to do to evade GPS on your phone… How you can browse the internet without being tracked… And what you should look for in home security systems. Let’s dive in… I have …
Are you tired? Worn out? Feel like you’re completely out of gas more often than not? Wishing that you could have a continual IV drip of caffeine? Most of us are, and with good reason. But, there’s something we can do about it. Today, I’m going to tell you why we’re so tired and how …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… Kerosene vs propane heaters and what you need to know… How you can defend yourself in gun free zones… What you need to stockpile in your emergency rations… How to simplify your life… And what to carry when your job keeps you on the road. Let’s dive in… …
Recently, California utility provider – Pacific Gas & Electric – began shutting off power to an estimated 2 million customers across large swaths of Northern and Central California in a planned outage that PG&E says is necessary to avoid wildfires. PG&E gave residents in 34 counties advance warnings about the power cut, which it says …