
The World’s Biggest Art Heist

On March 18, 1990, two police officers entered the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston and told security guards they were responding to disturbance. One of the two security guards working that night, Rick Abath, allowed the cops in through the employee entrance. As the officers approached Abath at his desk, they asked if anyone …


Taking Down a Hijacker

In this week’s mailbag we cover… My recommendation for home defense ammunition… My take on Uber… How to transport your firearms when travelling… Handling a potential hijacking… Learning the art of elicitation… And my thoughts on pepper spray. Let’s dive in… I recently bought my first gun. A Mossberg 590 12-gauge shotgun. What is your …


Stranger at My Door

In this week’s mailbag we cover… Whether or not Blackberry’s have GPS technology… If you should draw your gun when one is drawn on you… Ways to holster a gun under your wheelchair… How I access my gun quickly in a home invasion… If you can own a gun with a non violent felony… And …


Trigger Discipline: Not Just For the Range

In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… How to spot thieves, thugs and terrorists… Effective ways to use a survival blanket… How to handle chemical emergencies… Practical tips for hand to hand combat… And what you need to know about trigger discipline. Let’s dive in… How to Spot Thieves, Thugs and Terrorists While situational awareness …


How to Have Increased Energy

Are you tired? Worn out? Feel like you’re completely out of gas more often than not? Wishing that you could have a continual IV drip of caffeine? Most of us are, and with good reason. But, there’s something we can do about it. Today, I’m going to tell you why we’re so tired and how …


Staying Safe When on the Road

In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… Kerosene vs propane heaters and what you need to know… How you can defend yourself in gun free zones… What you need to stockpile in your emergency rations… How to simplify your life… And what to carry when your job keeps you on the road. Let’s dive in… …


How a Traitor was Lured Back

Around 2010, the CIA learned there was a mole that was sharing gravely damaging information with China. Unfortunately, it took years to figure out who it was. Jerry Lee is a naturalized American citizen, also known as Zhen Cheng Li in China. He served in the U.S. Army from 1982 to 1986 and then joined …


How you should be storing your guns

In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… How using a tourniquet will save a life and how it’s used… Why more and more ham radios are being banned… Random survival tips you’ve never heard before… What the ‘best by’ dates actually mean on packages… And how you should be storing your guns. Let’s dive in! …


Great Self-Defense Moves for Kids

In this week’s mailbag we cover… What I look for when choosing a location to live… My recommendations on quality night vision goggles… The different ways a smartphone tracks your location… The risks of Kapersky antivirus software… Great self-defense moves to teach your children… Which Gerber multi-tools I prefer… And more! Let’s dive in… You are …


Surviving a Bear Attack

In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… What to consider before setting up a bunker… The best survival skills we can learn from insurgents… The actual effects of a prolonged power grid failure… The Hazmat rule of thumb for surviving a disaster… And what you need to know about surviving a bear encounter. Let’s dive …