On March 18, 1990, two police officers entered the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston and told security guards they were responding to disturbance. One of the two security guards working that night, Rick Abath, allowed the cops in through the employee entrance. As the officers approached Abath at his desk, they asked if anyone …
In this week’s mailbag we cover… My recommendation for home defense ammunition… My take on Uber… How to transport your firearms when travelling… Handling a potential hijacking… Learning the art of elicitation… And my thoughts on pepper spray. Let’s dive in… I recently bought my first gun. A Mossberg 590 12-gauge shotgun. What is your …
It’s no secret that the Soviet Union used brutal tactics to eliminate and intimidate perceived threats. Brutal assassinations by Russia are nothing new, and these types of orders were often given by Joseph Stalin, long before Vladimir Putin came along. During the Cold War, when the entire world watched the power struggle between the United …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… Whether or not waterproof boots are worth it… Tips to prevent mold in your food storage… Where to keep knives in easy reach… How to survive an avalanche… And how an AR-15’s magazine held up after 5 years in storage. Let’s dive in… Waterproof boots: Are they worth …
Max and I were on an operation that required deep cover. The government even had special gear designed and built specifically for what we were tasked with accomplishing. You may have heard the saying we have in the military, “We aren’t fighting to kill the enemy as much as we are fighting to protect our …
In this week’s mailbag we cover… Whether or not Blackberry’s have GPS technology… If you should draw your gun when one is drawn on you… Ways to holster a gun under your wheelchair… How I access my gun quickly in a home invasion… If you can own a gun with a non violent felony… And …
One morning, Sony Pictures employees who logged on to their desktops were greeted with the sound of digital gunfire and the image of a red skeleton under the title “Hacked By #GOP,” which stood for a shady organization called Guardians of Peace. Below was a message that read, in not very good English, “We’ve already …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… How to spot thieves, thugs and terrorists… Effective ways to use a survival blanket… How to handle chemical emergencies… Practical tips for hand to hand combat… And what you need to know about trigger discipline. Let’s dive in… How to Spot Thieves, Thugs and Terrorists While situational awareness …
Most areas of the United States have surely had their blessings over the last decade, as the area many of us call home, has seen a drop in overall crime. The problem is that this news sometimes relaxes our awareness and leaves us more prone to actual crime we thought we were safe from. As …
Where to buy parts for your ghost gun… My thoughts on wearing body armor daily… How to stop receiving scammy phone calls… What to do to evade GPS on your phone… How you can browse the internet without being tracked… And what you should look for in home security systems. Let’s dive in… I have …
Are you tired? Worn out? Feel like you’re completely out of gas more often than not? Wishing that you could have a continual IV drip of caffeine? Most of us are, and with good reason. But, there’s something we can do about it. Today, I’m going to tell you why we’re so tired and how …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… Kerosene vs propane heaters and what you need to know… How you can defend yourself in gun free zones… What you need to stockpile in your emergency rations… How to simplify your life… And what to carry when your job keeps you on the road. Let’s dive in… …
Recently, California utility provider – Pacific Gas & Electric – began shutting off power to an estimated 2 million customers across large swaths of Northern and Central California in a planned outage that PG&E says is necessary to avoid wildfires. PG&E gave residents in 34 counties advance warnings about the power cut, which it says …
In this week’s mailbag we cover… The holster I use for everyday carry… Security risks and hidden cameras at AirBnB’s… Why I don’t recommend a biometric safe… Which sleeping bags to consider for your next camping trip… Steps to take when getting someone to quit contacting you… And how to put a VPN on your …
Around 2010, the CIA learned there was a mole that was sharing gravely damaging information with China. Unfortunately, it took years to figure out who it was. Jerry Lee is a naturalized American citizen, also known as Zhen Cheng Li in China. He served in the U.S. Army from 1982 to 1986 and then joined …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… Choosing the right scope for you.. How to stay warm when you’ve lost excessive body heat… The army’s next generation weapon of choice… How to ruin your gun in 8 easy steps… And the top 5 multi-caliber guns and who they are for. Let’s dive in… Rifle Scopes: …
You may have heard this before… “80% of all fights end up on the ground!” Whatever that number REALLY is, the bottom line is that, to defend yourself in a real attack, you’d better know how to fight back when you’re knocked on your butt or dragged down by your attacker. Same goes for a gunfight… …
In this week’s mailbag we cover… My solution to storing water… Which space blanket I recommend using… How to know if pepper spray is still pressurized… Where I buy my military grade paracord… How to stock up on prescriptions in case of an emergency… And more! Let’s dive in… I personally like the Mountain House …
As a ClanOps (Clandestine Operations) Officer, I knew one thing for sure. I knew that I was going to be sent overseas to places and situations that were not tourist destinations. There are a myriad of medical clearances that you have to obtain before and during the certification process. But, in my case, some of …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… How using a tourniquet will save a life and how it’s used… Why more and more ham radios are being banned… Random survival tips you’ve never heard before… What the ‘best by’ dates actually mean on packages… And how you should be storing your guns. Let’s dive in! …
Dallas, TX sees it’s fair share of powerful rainstorms each year, and one recent storm knocked out power to many parts of Northeast Dallas. Kerrie W. lost power at her home during the storm that killed one person and injured at least 5 others. Over 200,000 people in Dallas County were without power for at …
In this week’s mailbag we cover… What I look for when choosing a location to live… My recommendations on quality night vision goggles… The different ways a smartphone tracks your location… The risks of Kapersky antivirus software… Great self-defense moves to teach your children… Which Gerber multi-tools I prefer… And more! Let’s dive in… You are …
Ross and Melinda F. were purchasing a home to live closer to their daughters and new granddaughter in the Kansas City area. Ross, a retired pastor of 46 years and Melinda found the perfect home in Independence, MO and were planning to pay for it with cash they had saved up. During the home buying …
In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… What to consider before setting up a bunker… The best survival skills we can learn from insurgents… The actual effects of a prolonged power grid failure… The Hazmat rule of thumb for surviving a disaster… And what you need to know about surviving a bear encounter. Let’s dive …