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Black Bag Confidential


How to Store Your Guns to Evacuate Fast

About a week after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, local police went door-to-door evacuating residents. During evacuations, police confiscated guns so they wouldn’t face armed resistance during the forced evacuation. As P. Edwin Compass III, superintendent of the New Orleans police stated, “No civilians in New Orleans will be allowed to carry pistols, shotguns, or …


Choosing the Right Ammo

In this week’s Must-Read articles learn specialized tips to help completely conceal your firearm as well as which optics you should use when tracking or hunting. Learn about the current food crisis in the corn belt along with how you can power your home with batteries and solar power. And finally, don’t miss the article …


Fight or Flight

In this week’s mailbag I’ll discuss… How to use paper plates for the 3 circles drill… Which firearm I recommend for older individuals… Vulnerabilities in banks vs credit unions… Why I think it’s important to keep a loaded firearm… Adding security measures to your front door… And my take on fight or flight during a …


The Truth About Handgun Ballistics

One of the most intense gun battles in U.S. police history was the North Hollywood shootout, between two heavily armed bank robbers and members of the Los Angeles Police Department. By the end of the shootout, the robbers were dead, 12 police officers and 8 civilians were injured and numerous property was damaged by the …


Criminal Blueprint

In this week’s Must-Read articles you will learn how to tell if the ‘good guy’ is really a ‘bad guy’ as well as tools on using Ham radios and also 10 things experts say you should never do in an emergency. You will also learn splinting techniques to help you in a painful situation and …


Do You Need an Over/Under Shotgun?

A pair of criminals picked the wrong home to break into in Memphis, TN, where they encountered a woman who was locked, loaded and ready. Whitney L. was getting ready for bed one night when she heard her doorbell ring. Since she wasn’t expecting anyone she ignored the door. However, according to Whitney, “This person …


Why I use a PO Box for everything

In this week’s mailbag you will see… My take on the Ruger Model 3818… The difference between tear gas and pepper spray… A secure internet search engine you can use… The common misperception on FFL’s… Which caliber Sig Sauer I use… And how I use a PO Box for everything. Let’s dive in… What do …


Operative Reveals How Trump Was Spied On

The news is full of commentary and analysis on the Mueller Report. One of the fundamental and most critical aspects of this unprecedented “investigation” is of the origins of law enforcement and intelligence agencies “spying” on Donald Trump, members of his campaign and family members. The entire investigation was founded on intelligence collected through the …