How and why to strategically relocate

As the economy continues to struggle, and politics brings violence and division, more people are looking for affordable places to relocate to.

And with more people working from home, it’s easier to pick up and move, and still keep their job.

If you want to escape the violence of the big city or want to be in a safer location when disaster strikes, or move to a more politically appealing place…

Moving to a less populated area can be a good idea.

That said, here are a few things to keep in mind when relocating and finding a new house.

House modifications

Before buying a house, you will likely get an inspection done. This is a good time to ask the inspector to look into a few things that are important during a survival situation.

These include things such as how strong are the exterior doors and do they have high-quality locks such as Schlage.

If the house doesn’t have these it doesn’t mean you can’t add them later, but it’s something to keep in mind.

Look for things like a property fence, and if there is a security system installed.

You want to know if the security features you would want are already in place.

Lot size:

The size of the lot and the usability should be a big factor when moving.

Ideally, it would be good to have at least five acres. This is enough room for gardening, growing trees, and even keeping animals.

And there should be plenty of room to build a barn or outbuilding for other equipment.

Also, note whether you would have to clear land or if it already meets your needs.

Land improvements can take time and cost a lot of money, so if these are already done it means you could start growing right away.


During a disaster, you don’t want to be next to a highway or major road.

If people are evacuating, the roads will be clogged, and you don’t want this happening right outside your front door.

Also, consider proximity to your nearest neighbor. The more distance between you, the better.

Because during a survival situation, you don’t want ten neighbors showing up because they see the lights are on.

Finally, avoid homes that are prone to flooding or near things that could make disasters worse. For example, you don’t want to live too close to a prison or power plant.

Access to water and wood:

When looking at the property ask if there is a water source nearby (spring, well, creek, pond, etc.).

Consider how far you would have to carry a bucket if you needed an emergency water source.

If there is no water, you might want to consider a rainwater collection system.

Also, think about how close you are to forested land for harvesting firewood or even hunting wildlife.

House location on the lot:

If you are buying a house that sits on a big lot, you want to take into consideration where it’s located on the lot.

Think about defending the house and if the location of the house gives you a tactical advantage or disadvantage.

For example, does the house sit on a hill or down in a valley? Is it easy for someone to sit and do surveillance on your home, or are your movements hidden?

A house that is more difficult to see is less likely to be a target for burglars.

Now, moving is obviously a big decision and shouldn’t be taken lightly…

And depending on your situation, you might not want to move, but you still want the option to pick up and leave…

For example, in the event of an impending emergency, a longer-term SHTF scenario (think pandemic), or an outbreak of violence and destruction.

In that case, perhaps you want to be able to pick up and go – not just to an alternate bug-out location across town, but to a whole different state, or even across the country.

Having the option to travel as far as you want, and still have everything you need to live comfortably, and survive whatever situation you find yourself in…

This ability is a huge boost for your confidence, peace of mind, and even the physical safety of you and your family.

And it’s much easier than you think to do.

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