
Door-to-Door Dangers

As spring turns into summer and the weather gets warmer, you will start to see more door-to-door salespeople. Here are three common door-to-door scams to watch out for. These people may not be who they say they are…


The Leaks Continue…

This week’s must-read articles cover three steps you can take to protect your privacy and what the latest WikiLeaks release means for the Intelligence Community, as well as how to prepare for landslides and how to foster good situational awareness in young minds.


Three Steps to Securing Your Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi is great. It’s convenient, allows for widespread coverage, increases the portability of devices and is cost-effective. But wireless networks — especially in your home — are also a common target for hackers trying to steal your personal information. To protect your wireless network from unauthorized access, simply follow these three steps.


To Camp or Not to Camp

This edition of the weekly drop covers some advice on where to bug out when the SHTF, what electronics to protect in the event of an EMP, the best guns for home defense and one more item you could add to your escape bag. Let’s get started.


How to Send a Secure Email

Even though they probably should be more careful, people send confidential information through email all the time. Today, I’d like to share with you a simple, secure and free way to encrypt any email that contains sensitive information.


Prepping Is the Name of the Game

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, most of this week’s articles focus on prepping. Because any number of crises could throw your daily life into turmoil — from an unexpected weather event to the imposition of martial law. Don’t you want to be prepared?


Dressed to Kill

If you’re a gun owner and you carry often, sometimes you’ll find yourself carrying while wearing a suit. For some reason, a lot of new gun owners think it’s tough to carry concealed while in a suit, which isn’t true at all.


A Spy’s Eye View

Surveillance is a big part of intelligence gathering. Agents spend long days and even longer nights listening, watching and waiting. But what if there were a simpler solution? What if intelligence officers could record information with their eye? Let’s discuss.


The Best Way to Store Emergency Water

I’ve got an incredible offer for you in today’s alert. It’s an item we’ve never showcased before, but one that is absolutely crucial to have in case of an emergency.

I’ve got several in my house right now. I recommend them to all my friends and family members. I’ve even written about them before.

What is this mysterious product? Read on to find out.


Head for Higher Ground

A 50-foot wall of water is headed your way — what do you do? You’ve got an empty Altoids can — what survival items should you put in it? Your home is a fortress — but how do you fortify your yard? Let’s find out.