
Three Castle Doctrine Myths That Could Cripple You After a Self-Defense Shooting​

Last year, combat Marine, police officer and security expert Danny Lane wrote a piece on “stand your ground” or “no duty to retreat” laws. As Danny notes, these laws and doctrines are not without controversy — something I think Jeff Anderson of Modern Combat & Survival would agree with. In this article, Jeff debunks three myths about these laws that — if you fall for them — could ruin everything you risked your life to save.


Another Storm Is Brewing

Right now, various parts of the United States are consumed with fire and flood. Your town could very well be next. Please take a look at this week’s must-read articles. There are several urgent warnings, along with valuable survival advice.


Alone and Afraid – But Alive

Getting lost in the wilderness can be a terrifying experience and I know Labor Day weekend is a popular time for hiking and other outdoor activities. So today, I want to share some tips on what to do in case you ever find yourself stranded in the middle of nowhere.


How to Be a Good Hostage

If you’re taken hostage, the first 30 minutes are the most critical. Should you ever find yourself in a hostage situation, here are six things you can do to survive that first half hour — and hopefully make it home to your loved ones unharmed.


The Next Phase of Survival

As I’ve said before, the most important thing you can do if you’re caught in an active shooter scenario is MOVE. Once you are in a defensive position that is well hidden and away from the site of the shooting, it’s time for the next phase of survival.


How to Survive a Nuclear Blast

As we covered in our most recent issue, the world is on high alert for a possible nuclear attack. I this doesn’t happens, but it’s a possibility for which we need to be prepared. Today, I want to share with you how to prepare for such an attack and what to do if, God forbid, it should come to pass.


Stay in the Fight

In this edition of the Weekly Drop, you’ll discover the best multitool for people on a limited budget, whether plants are a sufficient deterrent to home invasions, alternative home defense weapons if you’ve been stripped of your right to bear arms and how to mentally prepare yourself for a life-or-death situation.


Creative Uses for Garbage Bags

Looking for an innovative, low-cost way to expand your cache of emergency supplies? Then look no further. Our friends at 4Patriots offer up several suggestions on how to turn a humble garbage bag into the Swiss army knife of survival gear. ​


Beware of Smishing

Dear Black Bag Confidential Reader, According to the FBI, Americans lost $1.3 billion to cybercrime in 2016, and that amount is expected to increase in 2017. This should not come as a surprise. Our lives are becoming more and more integrated with smart technology, and criminals are capitalizing on this, coming up with novel ways …


How to Survive a Riot

There are reports of more far-right rallies planned in the coming weeks. What should you do if one of these events erupts in your town? How do you protect yourself if you suddenly find yourself surrounded by rioters? Here’s how to make sure you make it back to your home safe and alive.