
Prep Like It’s Pompeii

This week’s batch of must-read articles kicks off with a story on why the latest volcanic eruption in Hawaii is making experts uneasy. More importantly, you’ll learn what you can do right now to be prepared for ANY kind of natural disaster.


Make Yourself Untraceable

This week’s mailbag kicks off with the No. 1 way to keep from being tracked using your cellphone. You’ll also discover which anti-virus software you should NOT use, two ways to strengthen your window security and still enjoy fresh air, three easy self-defense moves you can teach your kids and more.


Ready for a Major Quake? You Can Be

If you think all this prepper stuff won’t make a difference when a large-scale disaster hits, I urge you to think again. Today, check out one reader’s account of surviving the powerful 8.8 quake that occurred in Chile in 2010 — you’ll see it’s a lot easier to prepare than you realize.


How to Hide Your Home Address

In this week’s mailbag, I’ll reveal the best way to hide your home address, the most important thing to look for in a bug-out bag and how to evade GPS tracking — even on your smartphone. Plus, I’ll share some good advice and valuable resources I received from two of my readers.