The fact is a home invasion can happen anytime, anywhere. Today, Jeff Anderson shares three sneaky home defense lessons that could save your life in the event of a vicious home invasion.
Who really cares what websites you visit? Everyone who can make money off of your personal data, that’s who. Here are three simple steps to help you protect your information by erasing your digital fingerprint.
If you plan to rely on government agencies like FEMA when disaster strikes, you’re making a big mistake. Today, Jeff Anderson runs down five scary truths about FEMA’s incompetence — plus one way you can ensure your family is protected.
This week’s roundup of must-read articles covers a lot of ground — from avoiding cellphone tracking to survival sanitation to door safety. And that’s not all… Read on to discover how to keep all the protection you need right in your wallet, the most critical step of wildfire prep and what to do when a stranger comes calling.
No matter where you travel, it’s a good idea to carry certain items with you — just in case. Today, Jason Hanson gives a list of those items plus five ways to conceal them in plain sight.
In this week’s mailbag, you’ll learn the easiest way to establish if someone is lying to you… the No. 1 item to take with you if you’re traveling cross-country… whether or not you should wear a bulletproof vest as part of your EDC gear… and much more.
Our friends over at 4Patriots put together a comprehensive report of the top 12 mistakes preppers make — so you don’t make a potentially fatal error in a time of crisis. In Part III of this report, Frank Bates reviews mistakes seven, eight and nine.
You never know how long some disasters will last — or how long until essential services return to operational after a crisis. Considering this, I want to share with you a few tips on how to ration food and water in a survival situation.
As a veteran physician for the U.S. Special Forces and a current emergency room doctor, Dr. Omar Hamada knows a thing or two about staying hydrated for your health. Read on below to discover how much water you should be drinking — and the best way to make sure you’re never without.
In this week’s batch of must-read articles, we’ll delve into the debate over our right to genetic privacy, you’ll discover where the drought is this week, plus learn how to eliminate over 20 different garden-variety insects — and more.
I know revolvers get a bad rap as a personal defense weapon. According to a lot of tactical, super-ninja, black-bag operators out there, if you don’t carry a Glock or some other whiz-bang, gee-golly automatic, you’re behind the curve. You might as well be driving a Flintstones car. Now, don’t get me wrong — I …
In this week’s mailbag alert, you’ll discover an essential apparatus that lets you drink clean water from anywhere, the best gas mask to buy if you wear glasses, the first thing you should do if someone you love has been kidnapped — and more.
Now, you probably aren’t roaming the streets of Iraq or visiting villages in Afghanistan (I hope). But here are some techniques you can apply if you are walking or driving the streets of your city and think you have a tail.
The fact is it’s not uncommon for people who use their firearms in self-defense to have to shoot in the dark. With that in mind, here are my top five makers of night sights, should you consider adding one your firearm.
In Part II, you’ll discover 10 ways to protect your home from an unruly mob… nine ways to ensure your children or grandchildren stay safe even if you get separated… and one of the most underrated preps you can do right now that will make your life a whole helluva lot easier in an emergency.
Today, you’ll discover what tools you’ll need for basic home repairs (including one that may surprise you), nine ways to upgrade your garden for a better harvest, the four most likely causes of a grid-down scenario (and the worst mistake to avoid) and more.
In the SEAL teams, during mission planning and rehearsal, we would train for the best-case scenario and plan for the worst. In every operation, this included a “NO COMMS” plan. Here’s how to make one for your family.
In this week’s mailbag, I’ll reveal my No. 1 self-defense weapon that’s perfect for the whole family. One of my readers even gave one to his daughter. You’ll also discover how to get that meddlesome browser Chrome off all your devices, the easiest way to avoid being a victim of identity theft and more.
A good survival knife isn’t hard to come by, but it’s easy to get bogged down by all the choices out there. Today, Jason Hanson runs down the nine components of a quality knife to help you make sure you get your money’s worth.
If you are in the car traveling, you still want to be able to quickly access your gun in case you need it. If you have to leave it in the car, you should absolutely make sure it’s secured and out of sight. Read on for specific recommendations on concealed carry in your vehicle.
Camping, hiking, fishing and rafting are all healthy and very gratifying activities. But at any moment you could find yourself in a situation that is potentially life-threatening. Today, you’ll learn what you should do if you must cross a body of water — be it a pond, lake, stream or rushing river.