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Black Bag Confidential


Perimeter Protection

In this week’s Must-Read articles… Learn how to spot a bad guy… See how the government shutdown unveiled weaknesses for a recession… Check out some great tips to protect your perimeter… Read on the many benefits and uses of fleece… And see which shotguns stood out at this years SHOT Show. Let’s dive in…   …


How the CIA Stopped the Next 9/11

You probably remember Richard Reid, a British born man who trained with al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and was later given three life sentences in federal prison, plus 110 years, with no possibility of parole. On December 22nd, 2001, Reid boarded an American Airlines flight from Paris to Miami with explosives packed into his shoes, which he …


If Martial Law is Declared…

In this week’s mailbag… I’ll discuss the strength of the NOC Knife… Travelling with your tactical pen… What would happen if martial law is declared… My perspective on security locks that connect to Wi-Fi. Let’s dive in… In regards to the NOC Knife, would you be able to tell us how sharp it is? -Henry …


The Books I Recommend

I love books. In fact, I have a library of over 3,000 books. Perhaps a couple dozen of them are fiction, the rest not. They range in topic to include most everything – military history, psychology, medicine, theology, business, music, art, science, counseling, finance, you name it. I’m sure you’ve long heard and believe that …


Why and How to Push Your Way Through Crowds

The CIA, NSA and the DIA trained us to develop a vast array of highly specialized skills that required intense, structured training by experienced, success-proven operatives. But there are essential spy skills that we had to master that you can develop within yourself – without attending a top-secret government training facility. Moving rapidly through crowds …