Today, I discuss a few types of survival gear you can find great deals on at military surplus stores. If you’re prepping on a budget, these stores are a great place to start.
It’s not often I read something that keeps me awake at night or makes my jaw hit the floor, but this week’s batch of must-read articles did both. Read on to find out why.
Obviously, I hope you never find yourself in a life-or-death situation. Which is why I’ve made it my mission to give you the tools and the knowledge to avoid deadly situations at all costs. Check out this video alert for some vital information that could one day save your life or the life of a loved one
There are few things in life as important as protecting yourself and the ones you love. And my ultimate goal is to provide you with the confidence, skills and knowledge to better protect yourself and your family. So check out this week’s batch of reader questions.
You can never take your safety for granted, and you need to know how to react if, heaven forbid, you find yourself in a situation like the one that just took place in Manchester, England. So here are some quick tips if you ever see that day…
This week’s must-read articles focus on unseen (or difficult to spot) threats — like malware that infects your computer without all the fanfare of an accompanying ransom demand or miniscule mites that carry deadly diseases.
Hundreds of people in the U.S. die each year from being trapped in sinking vehicles. So today, I want to share with you what to do in this situation. Hopefully, you’ll never have to use this information, but if you ever do find yourself in this situation, you’ll be prepared.
Today’s Weekly Drop is a collection of questions and answers that address various aspects of home security — from security systems to safes. Let’s dive in.
There are many great survival items we could all use — if they didn’t cost thousands of dollars. So until you win the lottery, here are some items I recommend saving up to purchase. One day, they just might save you.
What happens if the next cyberattack takes down our financial system? Would you still be able to provide for your family? If your answer is no — or even a tentative yes — take a look at today’s first must-read article.
In my line of work I expect to receive threats and deal with harassment from weirdos. But the fact is it can happen to anyone in any profession. If you’re being stalked, here are five things you can do to protect yourself and hopefully put a stop to the torment.
Welcome to another edition of the Weekly Drop. As spring turns to summer here in the States, it’s tempting to keep your windows open to enjoy the fresh air before it gets too hot. But you may be putting yourself and your family in danger.
A good spy never leaves any stone unturned. So today, I want to discuss what there is to be learned from the way spies research their targets. Because even if you aren’t a spy, these methods could still come in handy.
Last week, a new phishing scam swept the internet. This week, retail stocks may come crashing down, taking the rest of the markets with them. And next week, warmer temperatures mean mosquitos will start bringing their deadly diseases to a backyard near you. This week’s batch of must-read articles addresses each of these threats and more.
Meet Charles Henderson. A few years ago, Charles decided it was time to get a new car. That’s when he discovered a glaring security risk in the used car market. Read today’s alert to find out how to protect yourself and your loved ones on the road.
Should I keep my spare magazines empty or filled? Will the SurvFilter work on saltwater? Is my phone recording my doctor’s appointments? This week’s mailbag covers all this and more.
Buying a gun secondhand definitely has its advantages — but there are also some risks involved. So here are some pros and cons to consider when deciding if buying a used gun is right for you.
Prepping is something everyone can (and should) do. But I understand that age, illness and physical disabilities can present extra challenges when planning for an emergency. But where there’s a will, there’s a way — and sometimes all you really need are a few good ideas to get you started.
The other day, I was walking through C-A-L Ranch — which is essentially Wal-Mart for cowboys — and I made the mistake of going past the gun counter. That’s when I saw it: my new favorite gun.
Water is absolutely critical for survival. So today’s No. 1 question addresses how to procure clean, clear, drinkable water from any source — even a dirty toilet. Don’t believe me? Well, I’ve got video proof of the gadget that makes it possible.
If a natural disaster forces you to evacuate from your home, do you have a plan in place to load your vehicle quickly and escape danger? Do you know which items are most important to take with you?
This week’s batch of must-read articles covers some new topics — like how to be an eco-friendly prepper and what you need to do to get Rover ready for an emergency. Why wait? Let’s dive in.
While gasoline generators are one of the most popular types of generators, they do come with risks. Here are three solar generators to consider if you are in the market for a safer, quieter backup power source
This week’s mailbag covers an emergency water source in your backyard, how to win at poker and what to do in the event of a nuclear attack. Let’s get started.