
The Advantage of an Integrated Home Security System

When it comes to home security, there is a seemingly endless stream of gadgets you can install to help keep your family safe — cameras, door locks, flood lights and motion sensors, among others — and you can purchase many of these devices with smart technology capabilities so they can be remotely controlled and monitored from your smartphone. Here’s why you should.


What Is the World Coming to?

New York City… Southern California… Puerto Rico… Who knows what will happen tomorrow — or where. That’s why it’s important to be prepared. Your life — and the lives of your loved ones — depends on it. So let’s take a look at this week’s must-read articles.


Surviving Martial Law (Part II)

In Part II of the “Surviving Martial Law” serial, author Frank Bates paints a picture of what our cities and towns will look like if the military takes over and explains how you should act when they do with five tips to avoid detection by government spies.


Burglar vs. Homeowner

Keep in mind I’m not a lawyer. But I do know that in most states you’re allowed to defend yourself if you fear for your life or serious bodily injury. That being said, I want to share with you a few cases of criminals trying to place blame on their victims and hopefully give you some food for thought.


Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight (The Bigger, the Better)

I’m a firm believer that a gun is the best tool for self-defense, but it’s always wise to have a backup weapon. I strongly urge you to consider what other tools you could keep on hand that might save your life. Perhaps a baseball bat, a golf club, a knife or yes, even a machete. Meta-Description: I’m a firm believer that a gun is the best tool for self-defense, but it’s always wise to have a backup weapon. I strongly urge you to consider what other tools you could keep on hand that might save your life. Perhaps a baseball bat, a golf club, a knife or yes, even a machete.