If — or rather when — the SHTF, there will be no one to help you, no government aid riding into town on a white horse, no place to go out of harm’s way. And if you assume organizations like FEMA are going to help the huddled masses, you’re in for a very rude awakening. Luckily, there’s a simple solution at the bottom of today’s article.
As I’m sure you’re aware, on Dec. 14, 2017, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) voted to repeal net neutrality rules. What you might not be aware of is what this actually means, how it will affect you and whether your privacy will still be protected.
In this week’s mailbag, I address one reader’s question on how much cash you should keep on hand for an emergency — and how to keep it safe. Plus, survival food recipes, choosing an emergency stove and more.
Today, Cade Courtley discusses a particularly dangerous cold weather scenario that frequently occurs in early winter or during the spring thaw when ice-covered lakes, rivers and ponds aren’t as safe as they appear.
Today, I want to share with you the top three security threats we will most likely face in 2018 — here in the U.S. as well as around the world.
In this brand-new series on “Survival Stories,” you’ll learn how to avoid becoming a hostage in a robbery gone wrong, the one thing you should always do before you go hiking and the best way to survive a direct hit from a tornado.
This week’s roundup of must-read articles covers protecting yourself from viruses of all kinds as well as how to stay warm in a winter blackout, what to do to avoid being kidnapped and one more reason you should be able to evacuate your home in 10 minutes or less.
This in-depth article by our friends over at 4Patriots runs down TONS of ways to prep that cost absolutely nothing — plus a limited-time offer to get a free 72-hour survival food kit. Check it out.
Even if you never plan on visiting North Korea, you may be inviting people to spy on you right here in the U.S. Not by an overbearing government but by large corporations such as Google and Amazon. Here are three steps you should take to protect your privacy.
This week, learn how to build your survival food storage cheaply and easily — even if you’re on a fixed income. Also, discover where to buy an affordable gas mask, whether a fireproof safe will work as a Faraday cage and how to find out if your VPN stores any information on you.
This short piece from Jeff Anderson over at Modern Combat & Survival feature three military fitness tips that seem easily doable. They don’t require expensive equipment or any harsh restrictions — which means you should be able to bounce back from the holidays in no time.
Discover the top five survival skills you ought to consider learning this year straight from Jason Hanson himself.
This week’s must-read articles feature ways to keep your home heated during a blizzard, a free medical device that could save your life in a winter emergency and a rundown of 10 prepping goals you should be setting for the new year. Take a look.
In this week’s Must-Read articles you will learn ways you can overcome personal tragedy, how to prevent the spreading of germs, how you can use your watch for a compass, ways to avoid and treat hypothermia and frostbite, and also, how to create home heat when your electricity is out. Let’s dive in… 7 Ways …
Let’s face it: The world is increasingly becoming a scary place. So to wrap up 2017, I want to revisit some pressing global threats in another “Best of” edition of the Weekly Drop.
The following article from our friends over at 4Patriots investigates a little-known contaminant that’s rapidly polluting our water supply. Then author Robert Boyd offers an easy solution so you can confidently provide clean drinking water for your whole family.
Photographic memory is a skill that can come in handy in many ways — whether you use it for personal security (such as noticing the same person or car following you) or to remember critical information and survival skills that could save your life. Here’s how to get it in six easy steps.
One of our constitutional freedoms is the right to lawfully assemble. Unfortunately, a protest can quickly turn violent for any number of reasons. Today, Cade Courtley discusses what to do during a riot or in the aftermath of any catastrophe when lawlessness prevails.
This week’s roundup of must-read articles focuses on gaining critical survival skills. So if you’re looking to become a better shot, a wilderness expert or a world-class prepper in 2018, you’ve come to the right place.
This week’s mailbag covers questions about cooking in the great outdoors, how to shield yourself from internet marketing companies and my personal recommendations for guns, multitools and more.
Today, Jeff Anderson shares a few other lessons he learned the hard way about bugging out. Take heed — and be sure to check out his simple solution to creating the perfect portable pack.
The bottom line is we know the government conducts surveillance on civilians. This is one of the many reasons you need to take your privacy into your own hands and enact these five steps to protect yourself.
In the final chapter of 4Patriots’ “Surviving Martial Law” series, author Frank Bates reviews your two best options for when martial law is declared: Will you stay or will you go?
There’s certainly a lot going on in our country, but it’s important to look beyond our own borders periodically and see what’s going on with the rest of the world. So this week’s collection of must-read articles focuses on global issues.