Now, you probably aren’t roaming the streets of Iraq or visiting villages in Afghanistan (I hope). But here are some techniques you can apply if you are walking or driving the streets of your city and think you have a tail.
The fact is it’s not uncommon for people who use their firearms in self-defense to have to shoot in the dark. With that in mind, here are my top five makers of night sights, should you consider adding one your firearm.
In Part II, you’ll discover 10 ways to protect your home from an unruly mob… nine ways to ensure your children or grandchildren stay safe even if you get separated… and one of the most underrated preps you can do right now that will make your life a whole helluva lot easier in an emergency.
Today, you’ll discover what tools you’ll need for basic home repairs (including one that may surprise you), nine ways to upgrade your garden for a better harvest, the four most likely causes of a grid-down scenario (and the worst mistake to avoid) and more.
In the SEAL teams, during mission planning and rehearsal, we would train for the best-case scenario and plan for the worst. In every operation, this included a “NO COMMS” plan. Here’s how to make one for your family.
In this week’s mailbag, I’ll reveal my No. 1 self-defense weapon that’s perfect for the whole family. One of my readers even gave one to his daughter. You’ll also discover how to get that meddlesome browser Chrome off all your devices, the easiest way to avoid being a victim of identity theft and more.
A good survival knife isn’t hard to come by, but it’s easy to get bogged down by all the choices out there. Today, Jason Hanson runs down the nine components of a quality knife to help you make sure you get your money’s worth.
If you are in the car traveling, you still want to be able to quickly access your gun in case you need it. If you have to leave it in the car, you should absolutely make sure it’s secured and out of sight. Read on for specific recommendations on concealed carry in your vehicle.
Camping, hiking, fishing and rafting are all healthy and very gratifying activities. But at any moment you could find yourself in a situation that is potentially life-threatening. Today, you’ll learn what you should do if you must cross a body of water — be it a pond, lake, stream or rushing river.
You are especially vulnerable when you travel. Unless you pick up one of the TSA-approved self-defense and survival tools listed in the first of this week’s must-read articles. I’ll also share the No. 1 piece of travel gear I never leave home without.
Our friends over at 4Patriots have put together a fantastic report detailing the top 12 mistakes people make when putting their disaster preps in order. Today, let’s take a look at the top three prepping mistakes you DON’T want to make.
Before you embark on a road trip this summer, there are a few aspects of car safety you should take into account. In today’s “best of” edition of the Weekly Drop, you’ll discover several ways to stay safe on America’s roadways.
A burglary occurs in the U.S. every 15 seconds. Roughly 25% of burglars enter through a first-floor window. Here are some security options for your windows that will hopefully thwart someone trying to gain entry into your home.
Today, you’ll learn why you should get ready for another brutal round of hurricanes, why you need to factor in a global epidemic to your emergency plans, why you can’t trust your smart home device and more.
Today, I’ll give you seven ways to stay cool if a summer storm causes a blackout in your area. You’ll also discover how to safely store gasoline, where to keep your EDC gear on your body without drawing attention to it, the perfect pocket pistol for concealed carry and more.
ou can learn various survival skills by taking classes, reading books or watching instructional videos — even looking to our ancestors. The following article by our friends over at 4Patriots details four important aspects of survival mastered by Native Americans.
Angela Ricketts was sitting in her Colorado home reading a book when she received the unimaginable. A Facebook message from someone she didn’t know threatening to harm her family.
Cade Courtley reviews the importance of assessing your situation in a crisis before making a lifesaving decision. Plus, he points out a trained reaction you may need to reconsider.
In addition to fresh fissures and accelerating lava flows, Hawaiians have a new threat to worry about. Read on to discover what this new danger is and what it means for you — even if you live thousands of miles away.
A close friend of mine — who happens to be a former law enforcement officer — sent me this heart-pounding email after hearing gunshots in front of his home: It’s currently 11 p.m. here in Vegas on Saturday. Julie and I usually go to bed around 10. We were sound asleep when I heard four …
In this week’s mailbag, find out how to stay off the grid without leaving the country, why you can’t trust hotel safes and the best way to maintain your search privacy on the internet with multiple layers of security.