Jason Hanson is a former CIA officer and security specialist. He’s appeared on numerous television shows, including ABC’s Shark Tank and NBC’s Today show.

Posts byJason Hanson


Five Eyes Cyber Summit

For the first time ever, members of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing group made a joint public appearance in the U.K. to discuss how they work together in the intelligence world. Created in 1941, the Five Eyes alliance includes Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K. and the U.S. where they share military and human intelligence. During …


Advice on Joining the CIA

In this week’s mailbag I’ll explain… How much gasoline to keep on hand in case of an emergency… My take on AR-15 pistols… How criminals are using drones to case your home… My most important advice when trying to join the CIA… How states are trampling our 2nd amendment rights… And more! Let’s dive in… …


Improvised Signaling

In this week’s Must-Read articles see how you can signal for help even without commonly used tools as well as 3 fast and effective ways to siphon gas from a car. Discover if you would survive in a threatening situation, along with how to spot the 4 most common real estate scams criminals are using …


Long-term Ammo Storage

In this week’s mailbag I’ll discuss how much cash to keep on hand in case of an emergency, the pluses and minus’ to batons for self-defense and how the FFL could affect you under a policy change. I’ll also explain how you can effectively find hidden surveillance equipment in your home or hotel room, tips …

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