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Black Bag Confidential


Phone Eavesdropping

In this week’s mailbag I’ll discuss how I break in my trigger along with safety considerations when purchasing a new computer. I’ll weigh the pros and cons of a .22 vs 9mm for self-defense along with the differences between a Glock 19 and a Glock 23. You will also receive my tips on what to …


When to Draw Your Gun

One Sunday, Carl T. was at his home around 11:30 p.m., when he witnessed a person sitting inside the driver’s seat of his neighbor’s black Honda. Since he didn’t recognize the man sitting inside the car, Carl went outside to inquire why the person was inside a car that he didn’t own. “The man told …


Trigger Finger

In this week’s Must-Read articles learn how to take a punch with the least impact, how security film can make a big difference on your home security and how to actually make a call when you have no cell service. You can also read on the benefits of hand crank flashlights and why you should …


Credit Card Freeze

In this week’s mailbag I’ll provide tips on dealing with with rowdy teenagers, how long ammo lasts depending on storage and how plants provide an extra layer of security for your home. I will also cover how to ship a gun, my suggestions for satellite phones and lastly, how to freeze your credit cards for …


Surviving in Your Car

One of the worst traffic gridlocks in U.S. history took place in Houston, TX during September of 2005. Hurricane Katrina had just wrecked havoc only a few weeks earlier and Hurricane Rita was on track to hit East Texas, causing Houstonians to heed the call to evacuate. At the time, Rita was forecasted as the …


National Emergency Alert

In this week’s Must-Read articles see the ultimate guide to buying and using night vision along with how the National Emergency Alerts are potentially vulnerable to hackers. Learn 5 critical knife skills that could help you in the future as well as earthquake preparedness tips for for both before, during and after one strikes. And …


Remember Me?

In this week’s mailbag I’ll discuss the legality of a ghost gun for self-defense along with whether to buy a new or used gun. I’ll also give suggestions for knife sharpeners and light attachments for your firearm. Lastly, I’ll cover some of the risks involved with online passwords and security cameras. Let’s dive in… What …