

Beware of Smishing

Dear Black Bag Confidential Reader, According to the FBI, Americans lost $1.3 billion to cybercrime in 2016, and that amount is expected to increase in 2017. This should not come as a surprise. Our lives are becoming more and more integrated with smart technology, and criminals are capitalizing on this, coming up with novel ways …


Stop Sharing Your Cellphone Number

Consider how many accounts your cellphone number is associated with. Now imagine a cybercriminal getting their hands on all the information in those accounts just by having your phone number. Scary, isn’t it? Well, here are five steps you can take to prevent having your cellphone number compromised.


Crimes of Opportunity

Welcome to another edition of the Weekly Drop. As spring turns to summer here in the States, it’s tempting to keep your windows open to enjoy the fresh air before it gets too hot. But you may be putting yourself and your family in danger.
