In the 1950s and 60’s the CIA conducted experiments using drugs such as LSD.
The drug is a hallucinogen that can temporarily control the psyche of a person who ingests it.
LSD can be extremely potent and change a person’s perception of reality, which can lead to violence and fear from the person who consumed it.
When the CIA was testing LSD, the idea was to create mind-control drugs and deadly toxins.
The CIA allegedly conducted experiments on college students, drug addicts, soldiers, and even an entire French town, depending on who you ask.
In 1951, Leon A. was a postman in the French town of Pont-Saint-Esprit.
While making deliveries he became nauseous and started hallucinating.
“It was terrible. I had the sensation of shrinking and shrinking, and the fire and the serpents coiling around my arms,” he remembers.
Leon fell off his bike and was rushed to the hospital. He was put in a straitjacket next to people who had been chained to their beds.
“I’d prefer to die rather than go through that again,” Leon said.
In the days after Leon fell ill dozens of other people in the town became sick with similar symptoms.
At the time, doctors in the town believed that bread from one of the town’s bakeries was contaminated.
The doctors concluded that a poisonous fungus that occurs naturally on rye was responsible.
Decades later, a journalist claimed he found CIA documents that connected the agency to the small French town and the poisoning.
The journalist alleged that the CIA was experimenting on the townspeople, by dosing them with LSD in the bread at the bakery.
One reason for this conclusion was that at the time LSD was being produced at a factory in Switzerland only a few hundred miles from the French town.
While it’s not clear what the truth is about Pont-Saint-Esprit, the reality is that if someone wanted to poison someone food is one good way to do it.
Fake food or food that has been tampered with is all over the place.
This is why you should be careful where you shop or go out to eat.
If someone has an axe to grind food is an easy way to get back at you.
Considering this, here are a few signs that someone may have tampered with your food.
Bitter taste:
Certain chemicals or toxins can alter the flavor of the food.
So, if food has a very bitter taste, it could be a sign that something has been added to the food.
In addition, if the food has an unpleasant odor, it might be a sign of a toxin, bacteria, or chemical.
If the food is something that you have eaten before you should know how it’s supposed to taste and smell.
But, if the food is very different in a bad way, you are better off not consuming it.
Food that looks abnormal in color, such as a green or yellow tint, could be contaminated with poison.
Additionally, toxins and chemicals react with food. Some might dry it out or cover the food in a different texture.
So, if foods have a slimy texture or appear dried out in spots could have been altered.
Delayed illness:
They say food poisoning hits you fast and leaves you fast.
And this is true in many cases.
However, with some toxins, symptoms can take days to appear.
So, if you get sick and think it’s been too long to be something you ate, it actually could still be the food.
For instance, some types of mushrooms can cause illness days after they are ingested.
This means, if you suspect that you have been poisoned from food or simply ate spoiled food, you should get medical treatment as soon as possible.
Even if symptoms are mild at first, you should still seek help, because things can get much worse.
Food is critical to survival, especially in emergencies…
So, to ensure you have the highest quality food, that’s free from any tampering or outside shenanigans, you want to have a stock of quality survival food.