Jason Hanson is a former CIA officer and security specialist. He’s appeared on numerous television shows, including ABC’s Shark Tank and NBC’s Today show.

Posts byJason Hanson


No One Is Safe From the Latest Cyber Threat

Public Wi-Fi is incredibly susceptible to hackers — I don’t recommend using it unless you’re also using a VPN (virtual private network). But most people feel pretty safe using their own personal Wi-Fi connection at home or work, right? If you’re one of those people, here is a good reason you should be a little more careful — no matter what wireless network you are connected to.


Wax On, Wax Off

I’m kicking off this week’s mailbag with some gun-care commentary from one of my loyal readers. He offers a great suggestion — but I want to hear what YOU think. Take a look and then send an email to SPYfeedback@LFB.org.


The KRACK of Doom

The hacks just keep coming… And this latest security flaw puts every single wireless device in your home in jeopardy. Take a look at the first of this week’s must-read articles for the full scoop on KRACK — and what you can do to fortify your cyberdefenses.


The Risks of Using Facial Recognition Technology

Last month, Apple unveiled two new hotly anticipated versions of the iPhone: the iPhone 8 and iPhone X, both of which feature Face ID facial recognition technology. I have no doubt using facial recognition software to identify people will soon become a security standard on many devices. However, there are some big risks that can’t be ignored — and should be addressed before facial recognition becomes commonplace.

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