Jason Hanson is a former CIA officer and security specialist. He’s appeared on numerous television shows, including ABC’s Shark Tank and NBC’s Today show.

Posts byJason Hanson


Top Three Cyber Threats to Watch for in 2018

There is no doubt in my mind that we will see cyberattacks increase in the coming year. Whether it’s stealing personal information or attacking a company with ransomware, these crimes are easy to commit from anywhere in the world, making them extremely profitable for hackers. With that in mind, here are the top three cyber threats I believe we will face in 2018.


New Terrorist Plot: Acid Attacks in America?

Violent gangs and vicious criminals have a new “go-to” weapon in their deadly arsenals: acid attacks. Known as “face melting” or “torture in a bottle,” acid attacks create immediate, searing pain on contact and massive, irreversible damage to a victim in mere seconds.​ Here’s how to prevent yourself from becoming a victim and how to what to do if you or someone near you is attacked.


Nuclear Preparations: This Is Not a Drill

This week’s mailbag covers what you should do in the event of a nuclear attack (including what supplies to have if you have to go outside afterward), how to download and install my go-to virtual private network (plus why it’s important to have a VPN in the first place) and the best way to protect your home from top to bottom.

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