Is There Anywhere You Are Truly “Safe”?
When you decide to be part of an event or activity that is located at a “soft target,” you owe it to yourself and others to perform this simple set of steps.
When you decide to be part of an event or activity that is located at a “soft target,” you owe it to yourself and others to perform this simple set of steps.
There are homes across the U.S. built near hillsides or narrow channels that can easily turn into a deadly mudslide — yours may be one of them. So today, I want to share four tips to help you stay safe in the event of a mudslide where you live.
Today, our resident Special Operations physician, Omar Hamada, reviewed the basics of trauma care for civilians. These skills could come in handy not only after a shooting incident, but also after a car accident or any number of other emergencies.
This week’s must-read articles cover how to stop major blood loss in gunshot victims, safety tips for school and work and the most important thing you can do to protect yourself absolutely anywhere.
In this week’s mailbag, learn how to store a secret cache of survival gear, which models to try if you’re looking for a shotgun with less recoil and how to create a simple Faraday cage out of household items. Plus, one reader offers a fantastic solution for protecting your data if you choose to use cloud storage.
stay fit after 60
If you are an American traveling in China, there is a good chance your hotel room is under some sort of surveillance. Did you know you these same security concerns also exist in America? They do. So here are four hotel security tips, whether you are staying overseas for business or just taking a weekend trip with your family:
Today, Jason gives six tips on how to handle a stalker. Although women are more likely to be victimized by stalking, it can happen to anyone. So take notes and share this information with the people you love. It just might save their lives.
After a major disaster, you never, ever want to rely on the government. But that doesn’t mean you’re in it alone. Check out the first of this week’s must-read articles for a great example of a community helping themselves by helping each other. Then read on to discover when the world will run out of food, a toxic side effect of floods and how to survive a plane crash.
Damian Ross, founder of The Self Defense Company, offers one of the freshest perspectives when it comes to training. Check out this article on the secret to packing powerful punches — plus, how you can apply it to your training.