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Black Bag Confidential


The Ultimate Doomsday Prepping List, Part I

Nowadays, even bigwigs in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street are getting into the prepping game. When the wealthiest people in America are worried, you should be too. Take a look at this “Doomsday Prepping List” put together by our friends over at 4Patriots. It’s the most comprehensive prepping list we’ve posted to date.


Seven Ways Your Belt Can Keep You Alive

This week’s mailbag features several clever solutions for making the most of your everyday carry (EDC) items. You’ll also learn the safest way to handle a stalker, how to upgrade your gun safe so it’s EMP-proof and where to buy the most secure locks for your home. Let’s dive in. In at least one place, …


Ready, Aim, Fire, Repeat

The key to effective self-defense in a lifesaving situation is training, which simply equals repetition — or muscle memory. One of the best ways to become a better shooter is through dry fire practice. Here’s an example of a typical dry fire routine — and how to do it safely.