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Black Bag Confidential


Felons and Firearms: A Deadly Combination?

As the gun debate in our country heats up, take a look at one of the most popular articles ever published in Black Bag Confidential. In it, former CIA officer and firearms expert Jason Hanson addresses the question of whether or not convicted felons should be stripped of their Second Amendment rights. ​


15+ Uses for Mason Jars

Sure, Mason jars are “trendy” — you see them all over crafty websites like Etsy and Pinterest — but they’re also super useful and CHEAP. In today’s article, our friends over at 4Patriots have collected over 15 uses for Mason jars. Check it out.


Basic Trauma Care for Civilians

Today, our resident Special Operations physician, Omar Hamada, reviewed the basics of trauma care for civilians. These skills could come in handy not only after a shooting incident, but also after a car accident or any number of other emergencies.