Are you prepared for the collapse of our medical system?

If there is anything that we have learned from the pandemic, it’s the fragility of our healthcare system.

It’s now crystal clear how crucial our healthcare workers are, as shortages of doctors and nurses cause backups and bottle-necks at hospitals.

And it’s preventing much needed treatments for some people.

For example, it’s estimated that the current pandemic has caused at least 28 million surgeries to be canceled or postponed.

There are 2.9 doctors per 1,000 patients in the U.S. While the ratio is average, it still indicates a shortage of doctors, which is expected to worsen in the next few years.

By 2032, America will have up to 122,000 unfilled jobs for physicians.

During the next pandemic, we could face even more shortages of nurses and physicians, particularly in rural areas.

The scary truth is that a collapse of our medical care isn’t that far off.

This is why it’s critical to be prepared for the next pandemic with ways to take care of health issues that may arise.

With that being said, here are a few ways you can prepare for a medical care shortage now, before we face a possible collapse.

Get a check-up/take vitamins:

I know everyone hates going to the doctor for a regular health check, but you should do this before you can’t.

If our healthcare system falls apart you might not get to see a doctor for a long time.

So, if you have any health concerns, address them.

Also, start taking vitamins, and stock up on them.

Vitamins can be effective in protecting the body and building up your immune system.

Vitamin C, vitamin E, and Zinc can all improve your immune system.

When medicine is hard to come by, you want your body to have the ability to fight off infection.

Stock up medicine:

If our medical community falls apart, one of the biggest issues will be the lack of prescriptions.

It’s estimated that 60% of Americans take at least one prescription medication.

For this reason, you should start building up a stockpile of medications.

Ask your doctor for a larger prescription or see what your options are. You may have to pay for it if your health insurance won’t cover the extra meds.

But like your food storage, you could build up your meds and rotate through them so they don’t expire.

The key is to stock up right away. You want to beat the rush.

Along with prescriptions, you also should stockpile OTC medications. Things like Benadryl, Tylenol, or whatever else you commonly use.

Also, don’t forget about antibiotics.

One of the easiest ways to stock up on antibiotics is to get the fish version.

What I mean is, you can get the fish version of antibiotics such as fish mox. This is similar to amoxicillin.

Now, obviously, I’m not a doctor, so definitely consult one before using any of these meds.

First-Aid kit:

If healthcare collapses, you won’t just have to worry about illness. You will need to account for injuries that happen as well.

And I’m talking about major injuries. For example, gunshots wounds or broken bones.

Even if you aren’t a doctor there is a lot you can do to help.

You can stop the blood flow, prevent shock, and clean the wound. Without those basic treatments, the injured person wouldn’t have a chance at survival.

Most importantly, you should have all of the things needed to treat an injury in a first aid kit.

Time is of the essence in these situations, so have a first-aid kit ready to go.

Herbal medicines:

During a medical crisis, herbal treatments might be the best thing you can get. They’re definitely better than nothing.

A few natural antibiotics include oregano, ginger, honey, and turmeric.

Also, garlic is known to be an antiviral, antibiotic, and antifungal all in one.

The bottom line is: over the last few years, we have seen the limits of our healthcare system.

Even though nurses and doctors around the country have worked their butts off, they can’t do it forever.

There will come a time when we are on our own for medical care.

Use these tips to be prepared before any part of our shaky medical system collapses on itself.

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