

How to Be a Good Hostage

If you’re taken hostage, the first 30 minutes are the most critical. Should you ever find yourself in a hostage situation, here are six things you can do to survive that first half hour — and hopefully make it home to your loved ones unharmed.


Are You a Predator or Are You Prey?

Damian Ross has an impressive résumé. He has earned three black belts in various martial arts, placed in international competitions and worked as a bouncer, security agent and private contractor. See what he has to say about how most crimes of violence begin — and the best way to avoid them altogether.


Be Social, Not Stupid

It’s no secret I’m not a fan of using social media. But if you don’t want to deactivate your accounts, at least take a look at this week’s first reader question for some social media safety tips you should start implementing today.


Hi-ho Silver, Up and Away

James Altucher is a best-selling author, former hedge fund investor and a major backer of Silicon Valley’s hottest ideas. Today, James offers some advice on wealth preservation in times of economic upheaval. You might be surprised to see what he recommends…


Crimes of Opportunity

Welcome to another edition of the Weekly Drop. As spring turns to summer here in the States, it’s tempting to keep your windows open to enjoy the fresh air before it gets too hot. But you may be putting yourself and your family in danger.
