
Poison Your Prostate? Are They Crazy?!?

If you’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you know how scary it can be. Unfortunately, mainstream medicine is just waiting with sickening treatments like chemo and radiation, surgery that can leave you incontinent or ruin your sex life or dreadful hormone therapies. Now they’ve upped the crazy. You won’t believe the latest cure mainstream medicine has thought up now…


Anti-aging Secret Works in 3 MINUTES FLAT

Have you ever wished for a one-shot cure-all that could turn back the hands of time and erase those extra pounds while boosting your almost nonexistent energy levels? Good news: Science may have discovered one. Read on to find out how this powerful compound could keep you young!


TORCH Fat With This “Banned” Berry

Do you wish you could put your clothes on and feel confident about the way you look in them? Or ever taken a look in the mirror and realized you’re carrying a spare tire on your waist? Then read on to discover how a common berry could help rid you of your spare-tire sadness and clothing catastrophes.


The Takedown of the Century

In the last few years, we’ve seen a dramatic increase in cyberattacks from foreign governments. Whether it’s hacking the personal data of more than 22 million government employees with security clearances or releasing Hillary Clinton’s emails, every news cycle seems to reveal a new breach.

And these attacks are small peanuts to what’s coming.


Training for a High-Stress Shooting

I recently had the pleasure of a visit from Laissez Faire club director Doug Hill and a few of the other great folks that work with us. I ran these guys through several drills to work on shooting in high stress situations. Here are four drills you can do at home to add some stress to your dry firing practice.