This edition of the Weekly Drop focuses on firearms. Guns are certainly a hot-button issue, but I truly believe there’s no better way to defend house and home.
Protecting my personal information was one of the most important security measures I implemented when I joined the CIA. Even now that I’m no longer in the Agency, this simple precaution still helps me feel safer at home.
Things are heating up between the incoming administration and the Intelligence Community. In other news, harsh winter conditions are creating seasonal survival concerns. This week’s must-read articles cover all this and more.
Want to keep your belly from growing? Then you need to eat this type of food. Read on to find out how certain foods can help you keep belly fat at bay.
What are you doing this weekend? If you said exercise, then you could be decreasing your chances of dying from some of the world’s deadliest diseases. Read on to find out more…
Lately, I’ve received quite a few questions about duct tape escapes. Find out the easiest way to shed those bonds, along with a special offer to learn even more escape techniques in this week’s mailbag.
If you’re worried about Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, you need to read on. Recent science reveals that two plants can help stop these devastating diseases in their tracks. And the best part — you can get your hands on them for cheap. Discover how…
Increasingly, we are seeing criminals targeting innocent victims at airports. This means we all need to take airport safety and security more seriously. So here are a few recommendations to keep you safer while traveling.
Ever had a bout with gout? If so, it could be because of something you ate. Read on to discover what you should eat if you want to be gout-free.
Protecting your vision has never been tastier. Discover which vision-boosting foods you should be eating to shield your eyes from glaucoma.
Want to turn back the hands of time and ensure your health on its most basic level? New research shows an all-natural nutrient can do just that. Read on to discover more.
I can’t stress the importance of being prepared enough. Even if terrorism subsides, cyberattacks cease and the economy rallies to new heights, there’s still the unpredictability of natural disasters. To that end, this week’s articles are all about prepping — why it’s more crucial than ever, where to start and how to do it without spending a dime.
I realize in this day and age, a lot of folks think survival skills are outdated. But you never know when one or more of these useful skills just might save your life. Make a resolution to learn at least one new thing this year. One day, your life might depend on it.
Are you worried your cholesterol levels could lead you to heart disease? If so, you’re in luck. A recent study reveals there’s an all-natural way to help ward off cholesterol-related heart disease and keep your ticker in tiptop shape.
I’d like to kick off the first Weekly Drop of 2017 with a great suggestion from one of my readers. This handy gadget means you’ll never have to worry about opening your door to a stranger.
Want to eat delicious foods and lower your chances of heart disease, diabetes and death? Then you’re in luck. Read on to discover what exactly is in some foods that can help you live a healthier life.
Avoiding liver disease is easy. You just don’t drink, right? Wrong. There’s another threat to your liver, and there’s a great chance it’s in your kitchen right now. Fortunately, groundbreaking research has uncovered a powerful antioxidant that can shield your liver. Read on to discover more.
According to The Washington Post, 1.2 million people received drones as gifts this holiday season. Long-range drones, drones with cameras, drones that can carry up to 44 pounds, tracking drones, automatic landing drones… the list of drone capabilities is ever-growing. What happens when these devices make it into the wrong hands?
Is your vision blurry? Are you having trouble focusing on small print? If so, you could have cataracts. Luckily, researchers have found some powerful nutrients to help cut your cataract risk and keep your eyes healthy. Read on to discover more.
If you’re suffering from hearing loss, you might need more of a certain mineral, according to some recent research. Read on to discover more about this unusual finding.
Want to an easy way to reduce your chances of dying from a heart attack by 25 percent? Then read on discover how a powerful nutrient can help you do just that.
The new year brings with it new beginnings and new fears. Which is why it’s more important than ever to plan ahead. In 2017, resolve to prepare yourself for any situation. This week’s roundup gives you a good place to start.
Metabolic syndrome is no joke. It can lead to diabetes, heart attack and stroke. And that’s why it’s important to stop it in its tracks. Read on to discover a natural compound that does just that.
It is my hope that you never find yourself in a scenario where you’re trapped. But if you do, you’ll wish you’d watched this video. In it, I demonstrate quick-and-easy techniques that will help you escape from a variety of dangerous situations.