“Evil Knievel of art” is shot during live exhibition

Christopher B. was an American artist who was known for performance art and installation art.

One of his most famous pieces of art – called “Shoot” – was created in 1971.

He intended to create the “art” for an artwork journal called Avalanche.

In the name of “art,” Christopher arranged for a friend to shoot him in the arm with a .22 caliber rifle at close range in a studio in Santa Ana, CA.

He planned to be “grazed” by the bullet, but the bullet hit the center of his arm and penetrated deeper than he thought it would.

A few more inches the other way and it could have been much worse.

After being shot, Christopher appeared more shocked than in pain and quickly walked off the studio set.

Before the shooting, Christopher told the audience to “listen for the sound of the empty shell hitting the ground.”

“In this instant, I was a sculpture,” Christopher later said.

A reporter with Newsweek called him “the Evel Knievel of art.”

It was later said that the “piece of art” was about trust, violence, and the bravery of artists.

The New York Times even did a documentary about the artwork.

After being shot, Christopher said, “I think a lot of those performance works were an attempt to control fate or something.”

Now, this whole thing sounds absolutely crazy if you ask me.

But, as bizarre as it sounds, there is a place where guns and artwork do converge.

That is when you are choosing a finish or color for a firearm you are getting.

So, if you are in the market for a firearm here are a few of the finish options to consider.

Black Oxide:

Black oxide is one of the most popular finishes on firearms.

Sometimes it can appear to have a blued finish because of the chemical reaction process.

The oxide is a thin layer on top of the metal that can increase its corrosion resistance.

Since the coating is so thin it doesn’t change the dimensions of the weapon.

Black oxide can be applied in various ways to give a matte finish or polished shine.

The finish can last the lifetime of the gun.


Parkerizing is also known as phosphating, and it’s considered a tougher finish than black oxide.

The Parkerizing process was adopted for the mass production of firearms by the U.S. military during World War II.

The process not only creates a corrosion-resistant coating, it also lubricates, which can reduce wear and tear on the moving parts of the firearm.

Another good thing about Parkerizing is that it’s one of the more cost-effective coatings.

One drawback to Parkerizing is that it can wear off over time.

And it usually only comes in gray or black, so you don’t have a lot of color options.

Plus, it can be hard to apply or touch up.

Metal Plating:

A metal plating gun finish (such as chrome or nickel) is great for corrosion resistance and durability.

It also increases the wear resistance of parts like the slide or barrel.

From an appearance standpoint, a polished metal-plated firearm will have a beautiful shine and look nice.

One thing to keep in mind is that metal plating is usually more expensive than other finishes.

Also, depending on how the finish was applied it can be thicker than other coatings, which can affect the functions of the firearm.

Lastly, metal plating needs more care and maintenance than other finishes.


Cerakote is a brand name for a ceramic-based coating.

The finish is more durable than black oxide or parkerizing.

It also protects from rust and water damage, and it can withstand temperatures up to 900 degrees.

But the coating is a topical finish which means that it can chip in extreme conditions.

One of the biggest reasons that people love Cerakote finish is the massive amount of color options.

You can choose from hundreds of colors, which means you can customize the finish almost any way you want.

These days, there are tons of finish options for firearms, and someone is always coming up with a new “latest and greatest” finish.

But, if you are going to try a different coating, choose one that’s already been perfected and that you can get from the factory.

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