Boost Your Brain With Living Well’s “Smart Pill”

Dear Living Well Daily Reader,

Yesterday, we talked about all the ways your body blocks curcumin from nourishing your brain. The biggest barriers are your liver and blood-brain barrier, which act like a pair of rough bouncers for your brain.

They essentially handcuff curcumin and kick it to the curb… before it has a chance to help cool down inflammation or help with normal amyloid clearance.

But we also gave you the good news that UCLA scientists found the solution. And we made the unique form of curcumin they discovered the standout ingredient in our brand-new formula Brain Support Plus.

Click here to get your hands on our brainpower formula.

If you’re curious about how this form of curcumin is so powerful, here’s the story behind its discovery:

It begins with UCLA testing almost 200 different variations of curcumin… without a single one working like they wanted.

Then a “mistake” was made in one of the newest formulas. But because fate can lead to the biggest breakthroughs, the researchers decided to test the formula anyway…

The results shocked them.

This new form of curcumin was measured to be 65 TIMES more bioavailable than regular curcumin!

The solution turned out to be elegant: Model Mother Nature and traditional wisdom.

See, for thousands of years, medicine men in Indian cultures mixed large amounts of turmeric into warm milk, engulfing it in fat.

The UCLA researchers took this idea to the next level by coating the individual curcumin molecules with phospholipids (fat molecules) in a very specific ratio.

As the technical director behind formula put it: “The whole idea is to optimize and stabilize what nature has already given us — not to change it.”

The formula is so unique it’s been granted a patent (EP 1993365) on its technology.

It’s called optimized curcumin. Here’s how it works:

First, this special curcumin survives your harsh digestive process.

Its small particle size allows it to cross the intestinal cells into the blood.

This is where the magic happens. Instead of hanging around in the circulatory system and being ushered to your kidneys for disposal, curcumin gets transported to the lymphatic system.

In other words, instead of facing the “armed guards” in your liver, this special curcumin gets the VIP treatment. It saunters through the “side entrance,” while everyone else gets busted.

Your lymphatic system is far kinder to this type of curcumin and grants it the “key to the city.”

This is because of the specific ratio of phospholipids surrounding the curcumin. They act like Secret Service agents, safely escorting the curcumin to brain cells.

Which might be why, when tested on mice, this high-quality form of curcumin lowered some levels of tau… a protein connected to cognitive decline that’s confounded scientists since its discovery.

But what can happen when a human takes optimized curcumin? The landmark study on this stunning nutrient showed volunteers boosted their brainpower in one hour.

And as the days and weeks go by, you could feel more focused, alert, and sharp.

You could feel your scattered thoughts begin to sharpen and your mood improve…

You could have quicker wits…better able to think faster on your feet…

You could enjoy a more powerful memory, a better outlook on life…

… and an invigorated mind that keeps up with you day after day.

If you’d like to experience all these potential brain benefits… then get your hands on our brand-new formula Brain Support Plus while supplies last:

Click here to get Brain Support Plus now.


Brad Lemley
Chief health officer, Spy Briefing’s Living Well

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