Jason Hanson is a former CIA officer and security specialist. He’s appeared on numerous television shows, including ABC’s Shark Tank and NBC’s Today show.

Posts byJason Hanson


Avoiding modern day scams

In this week’s mailbag we cover… What fish mox is… How to protect yourself from email scammers… Using maid service at a hotel and what you should consider… My thoughts on Sticky Holster products… Faraday options for your iPhones and iPads… And the legality of adding suppressors to small arms. Let’s dive in… What is …


The Amazing Difference Dry Fire Practice Makes

In this week’s mailbag we cover… Recommendations on buying protective window film… Whether or not apartment buildings can ban guns… How to stay anonymous when contacting local government about lockdown… What to know about carrying lockpick sets around the country… How to purchase prescription meds in advance… And the amazing difference dry fire practice makes …


How to Lubricate Your Gun

Lionfish are a type of fish native to the Indo-Pacific Ocean however, they are now established along the southeast coast of the U.S., the Caribbean, and in parts of the Gulf of Mexico. Experts speculate that people have been dumping unwanted lionfish from home aquariums into the Atlantic Ocean for up to 25 years. The …


Signs Your House is Being Watched

In this week’s Must-Read articles we cover… 10 signs your house is being watched by burglars… Dealing with a dental emergency off the grid… Quickly and safely preparing your windows during a hurricane… Practical advice for escaping a war-torn city… And four common mistakes preppers make. Let’s dive in… 10 signs your house is being …

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