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Black Bag Confidential


Your AR-15: Three must have upgrades

A Philadelphia couple enjoyed a night out together… right up until their lives changed forever. The husband and wife were walking to the front door of their apartment when they noticed a man staring at them. The man appeared to be high on drugs and was silent as he fixated on the couple. After the …


4 Terrible self-defense ideas

Adam F. lived with his parents in Fresno, CA. One day his parents were gone and he encountered a black widow spider in the home. For some reason, Adam decided to use a blowtorch to kill the spider. But instead, he set his parent’s home on fire. According to local media, Adam told firefighters that …


How to survive a panicked stampede

Lag B’Omer is a Jewish religious holiday that occurs on the 18th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar. Each year, Lag B’Omer brings tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews to Mount Meron in northern Israel. The large crowd usually lights bonfires, prays, and dances as part of the celebrations. In 2021, it was estimated …


Axe throwing homeowner chops down intruder

Benjamin B. of Kalamazoo, Michigan likes to attend Renaissance fairs, and is a member of the Michigan Entertainment Renaissance Curiosities Society. In his spare time, Ben likes to train in ritualized combat using replica weapons. He plays a character in Renaissance re-enactments. But, he says the fighting and contact in these events is very real. …