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Black Bag Confidential


SOG’s secret “ammo sabotage” in Vietnam

In 1967 the U.S. was embroiled in the Vietnam War. The U.S. Studies and Operations Group (SOG) was tasked with some of the most daring operations during the war. During Vietnam, SOG provided ammo to communist supply depots throughout Southeast Asia. But it wasn’t any standard ammo… Rather, the U.S. supplied thousands of sabotaged rifle, …


Best Barrel Length For a Revolver?

The saying goes, “God made man, Samuel Colt made them equal.” In 1847 Samuel Colt accepted an order for 1,000 revolvers from Captain Samuel Walker of the Texas Rangers. But the lawman had specific requirements for the revolver. He wanted an improved version of the revolver that Colt had patented in 1836. The revolver needed …


3 Ways to protect your eyes from a laser attack

Throughout the years, the CIA has developed some pretty interesting spy tools, but one of the most fascinating was the CIA’s dragonfly. It was a bug-sized spy that was an incredible technical achievement in the 1970s. Back then, listening devices were a newer espionage tool. But the CIA designed a small insect-looking device that contained …


The CIA’s secret Miami airline

Southern Air Transport was an airline based in Miami, Florida from 1947 to 1998. But it wasn’t an ordinary airline… It was a front company for the CIA. At one point, the airline was the largest business owned by the CIA, with assets of more than $50 million and over 8,000 employees worldwide. The CIA …