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Black Bag Confidential


How to survive without a refrigerator

Josh S. is a resident of Manhattan, NY, who went over a year without using a refrigerator. Josh said his refrigerator was using the most electricity of all the appliances in his apartment, so to cut back on electricity, he stopped using the refrigerator. Josh said it was, “a mindset shift followed by continual improvement.” …


The vital importance of your gun’s magazine

Sometimes soldiers will tap their rifle magazines against their helmets to ensure all the rounds are seated towards the back end of the magazine. This helps ensure that the magazine will load and seat properly, and the ammo will feed smoothly. On the battlefield, magazines sometimes get dropped or knocked around, and while the bullets …


Why human intelligence is still the best

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was the leader of ISIS, and was once the most wanted terrorist in the world with a $25 million bounty on his head from the U.S. government. Al-Baghdadi caught the world’s attention by carrying out beheadings. In 2019, U.S. helicopters carrying members of the U.S. Army Delta Force landed near al-Baghdadi’s compound. …


Why cell phone calls are easily intercepted

In the months since Russia invaded Ukraine, Russian soldiers have made thousands of cell phone calls. As the battle dragged on, soldiers called their loved ones complaining about the invasion. Soldiers described how they were lied to about the war. They also complained of a lack of equipment and supplies. Some soldiers admitted to killing …