More Violence Is Coming
Wondering what you can do after the violence in Charlottesville? Here’s your action to take. Plus, mudslides in Sierra Leone, hidden threats to your emergency storage and a gun-toting drone that can fire in midair.
Wondering what you can do after the violence in Charlottesville? Here’s your action to take. Plus, mudslides in Sierra Leone, hidden threats to your emergency storage and a gun-toting drone that can fire in midair.
In his 25-plus years of experience in the protection business, Tom Lavin has developed multiple ways to communicate with clients and other agents in an emergency. Today, he’ll show you how to converse covertly if the situation warrants silent signaling.
Not only do criminals look for homes with lax security, they also look for homes with signs that indicate there are valuables worth stealing. Find out how to avoid this mistake and more in this week’s mailbag.
Our friends at 4Patriots offer some advice on how to broach the subject of survival with your kids as well as a great way to get them involved in creating an emergency plan for your family.
Just as you should continually update and improve the security of your home, you need to do the same thing when it comes to the security of your electronic devices. Here are a few quick tips so you don’t end up among the 73% of Americans who have been the victim of some type of cybercrime.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screens almost 2 million people per day. You wouldn’t believe some of the stuff they confiscate. Now, I’m not recommending that you bring anything dangerous or illegal on board, but if you’ve got a tactical pen, here’s how to get it through airport security.
Today’s roundup focuses on DIY projects and learning new survival skills. These articles provide a great opportunity to roll up your sleeves and get the whole family involved in prepping.
There is a large percentage of the population who can’t swim. And an even larger percentage will be hopeless in churning seas and the surf zone. If you suddenly find yourself in violent waters, here’s what to do to make it out alive.
This week, I decided to revisit reader questions about self-defense. Read on for a refresher in personal protection protocol.
Jeff Anderson of Modern Combat & Survival runs down four skills the true concept of a ninja can teach us and how to integrate those tactics into your prepper lifestyle. Take a look.