

Teach Your Old Dog Some New Tricks

With all the importance placed on emergency preparedness, one aspect of prepping that isn’t addressed enough is that there’s more than one way to do it. So today’s batch of must-read articles discuss prepping considerations specific to certain groups, including pet owners and students.


My Single Most Important Life-Saving Tip

We live in a world where a terrorist attack or a mass shooting could happen anytime, anywhere. Making preparations to ensure the safety and survivability of you and your family is essential. I’ll tell you where to start, and I’ll share my most important safety tip – one that could very well save your life.


Protect Your Home Like a CIA Officer

You don’t have to turn your house into Fort Knox to secure the safety of your property and your family…

You just have to put in a bit more effort than everyone else in your neighborhood.

And as Jason Hanson, former CIA officer and security specialist, writes in today’s email update, this isn’t too difficult to do, and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune, either.
