Miracle Mineral Destroys Deadly Infections

Dear Living Well Daily Reader,

Do you catch colds often?

Or had a bout with respiratory infection?

Or even found yourself in the hospital because of pneumonia?

If any of this rings true, you may have a weakened immune system.

But the truth is you may have a compromised immune system and never show any symptoms until it’s too late —  when you’re suffering from a serious infection or even fighting for your life.

If you’re age 65 or older, you’re likely at an even greater risk of experiencing a serious illness like pneumonia.

You see, as you age, your immune system weakens.

Fortunately, according to new research, a naturally occurring mineral that can help boost your immune system and keep you healthy — even through cold season.

--Zap “Invaders” With Zinc

The mineral is zinc.

And it’s proving to be a powerhouse immune booster.

Recently, a powerful study shows that older adults who take zinc are less likely to develop life-threatening infections like pneumonia — even when living in a nursing home.

The double-blind, placebo-controlled trial lasted for three months. It involved 53 participants who were 65 years or older and living in nursing homes.

Of these, 58 percent were suffering from low zinc blood levels and were randomly assigned to groups. The first group took 30 mg of zinc daily, and the second group was given a placebo.

At the end of the trial, the researchers weren’t surprised to find that those taking the zinc supplements had increased zinc blood levels, since that was the goal of the supplementing their diets.

However, what they discovered next was downright amazing…

The folks taking the zinc also experienced a rapid increase in their number of T cells than those in the placebo group.

T cells are white blood cells that are critical for your immune system to function. Your T cells are like tiny soldiers who seek and destroy the bugs that invade your body.

So if you have a low T cell count, you have fewer “solider” cells to scout out invaders, which may lead to a weakened immune system that makes you more susceptible to infections and could complicate your recovery from illness.

For seniors (or anyone) who wants to maintain a healthy immune system, this is great news!

Dr. Simin Nikbin Meydani, lead researcher on the study, reports, “The results strongly suggest that ensuring adequate zinc consumption by older adults could have a significant impact on reducing the incidence of and morbidity (death) from infection, which is a major public health problem in older adults.”

Luckily, zinc supplements are affordable and easy to get your hands on.

--Get This Miracle Mineral

Zinc is available in many forms, but like many other supplements, the body better absorbs certain types. These include zinc picolinate, zinc citrate, zinc acetate, zinc glycerate and zinc monomethionine.

It can be found in a variety of doses, but is typically found in 30–50 mg capsules. Be sure to check the labels for proper dosage and instructions. You can typically find 150–200-count 50 mg capsule supplies for around $7 from online retailers.

In addition, zinc is also found in many food sources like red meats, poultry, cheese, seafood and oysters. However, your body only absorbs 20–40 percent of the zinc in your diet.

This means taking a supplement may be the best way to ensure you’re getting a regular dose of this immune-boosting miracle mineral!

Live well,

Natalie Moore
Managing editor, Living Well Daily

Ed. Note: Please send your feedback: nmoore@lfb.org – and click here to like us on Facebook.


[1] Effect of zinc supplementation on serum zinc concentration and T cell proliferation in nursing home elderly: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

[2] Study shows zinc supplement boosted serum zinc levels and immunity in older adults

[3] Zinc

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