Heart health is a major concern for many Americans. A new study shows that a common veggie may help boost your heart health. Plus, we will share a few easy ways to enjoy it!
New research proves this cheap and easy Alzheimer’s test is as good as brain scans and spinal taps. Find out more about this groundbreaking new find.
Joint pain and stiffness are all-too-common problems that come with aging. Today, we’ve invited Lisa Ball of Plum Dragon Herbs and Dit Da Jow to share the best way to keep your joints healthy and mobile throughout your life.
It’s not always easy to know what’s in your cleaning products. Today, Living Well Daily will answer another important reader questions about cleaners. Plus, we will address a frequently asked question about one of our most popular products.
Dental work is a drag, but it can also come with a little-known risk. Find out more about this obscure threat and how to avoid it.
New research reveals shocking new evidence that vitamin deficiency may be linked to certain neurological disorders like dementia, schizophrenia and autism. Find out more…
We live in a world where a terrorist attack or a mass shooting could happen anytime, anywhere. Making preparations to ensure the safety and survivability of you and your family is essential. I’ll tell you where to start, and I’ll share my most important safety tip – one that could very well save your life.
Watermelon season has begun! Find out why you should be eating a slice every chance you get. Hint: It has to do with your health…
Research shows there is an easy, effective and drug-free way to get better sleep and reduce anxiety! Find out more about this amazing solution in today’s edition of Living Well Daily.
It’s not always easy to know what cleaning practices are best for your health. Today, Living Well Daily will answer two important reader questions about laundry and produce washing and supply you with a few helpful tips for living well.
The DARK Act has made its way to President Obama’s desk and may get approved. Find out what this means for consumers and a few ways to get the president’s attention on this matter.
A U.S.-funded vaccine maybe the dementia treatment of the future. However, with years of human trials ahead, it won’t do much for those trying to prevent this debilitating disease now. Find out what can help you today in the fight against Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Pass the cheese, please! New research finds a compound in this common food to be a powerful cancer and superbug fighter. Find out more…
Pokémon GO has spurred healthy activity, injuries, and new criminal activity. Join us today to find out what’s up with this new app. Plus, we will share one sure way to keep yourself safe whether you’re gaming or just living.
These days, it’s hard to get a straight answer when it comes to your health questions. Today, Living Well Daily will answer two important reader questions and supply you with a few helpful tips for living well.
The everyday prescriptions clogging up your cabinets may be also robbing your memory? Find out if you or your loved one is taking one of these memory thieves today!
You may be sharing your bed with uninvited guests. And they could be making you very sick. Find out how to reclaim your bed from them and improve your health with a few helpful tips.
Studies show July to be the deadliest month for folks in the hospital. Find out why you should avoid it and what to do if you end up there… it might save your life.
Once again, the FDA is caught spewing bad, outdated health advice that could actually increase your risk of memory loss.
Yet another foodborne illness is sweeping the country. And this time, it’s from an unsuspected source. Join us today to find out how to protect yourself and your family from this potentially fatal source.
With the Zika crisis upon us, it’s important to keep yourself protected. Find the best way to keep mosquitoes at bay without intense chemical exposure.
This week, the International Energy Agency reported that air pollution is responsible for 6.5 million premature deaths every year. Today, Living Well Daily will explain how air pollution is making you sick. Plus, we will introduce you to a product that can help you in the fight for healthy air.
FDA warnings about two diabetes medications come too late for some folks. Find out what they FDA missed and how it could be affecting you or someone you love.
Natural doesn’t always mean healthy. Find out more about the dirty little secret hiding in one of America’s most popular cereals. Plus, we will share one easy way to decipher nutrition labels without confusion.