Jason Hanson is a former CIA officer and security specialist. He’s appeared on numerous television shows, including ABC’s Shark Tank and NBC’s Today show.

Posts byJason Hanson


Diversify Your Preparedness Risk in 2016

Never put all your eggs in one basket.

This is something I already knew well from working at the agency. You never put all of your important equipment or gear in one place, because what if something goes wrong? Or in the case of my rental property, what if your house burns down and you lose everything?

So being that it’s the new year, I want to help you diversify some of your supplies so you are prepared for the unexpected. As the saying goes, prepare for the worst and hope for the best.


How to Survive (and Stop) a Terrorist

I was blessed to have some very good training while with the CIA, including terrorist response training.

This training involved scenarios, role players, a red man suit (a sturdy safety suit used in defense training), and “simmunitions” (similar to airsoft), to name a few things.

Today, I am going to share with you some of the principles I learned for you to use in your day-to-day life.


The Key Component of a Modern-Day Fortress

According to FBI statistics, there are over 2 million home burglaries a year. This equates to one burglary every 13 seconds.

The FBI statistics also show that one in three homes without a security system will fall victim to a burglary. Compare this with those homes with a security system and the rate falls dramatically, to about one in 250.

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