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Black Bag Confidential


Life-saving evacuation lessons from 9/11

The 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center led to reshaping homeland security and the way we respond to a crisis. The terrorist attacks didn’t stop architects from designing massive buildings… But the tragedy of 9/11 did prompt important changes in the way these buildings are built. The National Institute of Standards and Technology issued …


Operation Paperclip and the Nazis

When World War II ended, a new race started. The allies who had defeated Hitler were competing against each other for intelligence. This is why a secret U.S. program recruited Nazis to work for the U.S. government. In 1945, the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was tasked with identifying German doctors, engineers, and scientists that were …


3 tips for making safe crypto payments

There are currently over 300 million cryptocurrency users in the world, and around 18,000 companies around the world now accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment. Hackers also love to target cryptocurrency. In one of the biggest cryptocurrency heists, hackers stole $600 million. The hackers exploited vulnerability in the Poly Network. This is a platform …


How to legally ship your guns

Shipping guns can be confusing. Laws are always changing and you might be breaking the law without even knowing it. But an Alabama man named Eric L. knew what he was doing when he illegally shipped guns. Eric had advertised guns for sale on an online classified website. Turns out, he was operating a business …


3 methods spies use to cultivate trust

During the Cold War, U.S. spies monitored the Soviet press for valuable information. One day, they discovered that a Russian magazine had shared a recipe for coot (a small bird that is commonly consumed in Eastern Europe). Seems harmless enough, but for the CIA, the recipe meant disaster. You see, the CIA had an agreement …