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Black Bag Confidential


Extreme Home Protection

Over the last several weeks, these daily articles have focused more on global and digital threats, but it’s important that you never let your home security become an afterthought. Check out the piece below from our friends over at 4Patriots. It runs down seven extreme — yet cost-effective — ways to protect your home.


Wax On, Wax Off

I’m kicking off this week’s mailbag with some gun-care commentary from one of my loyal readers. He offers a great suggestion — but I want to hear what YOU think. Take a look and then send an email to SPYfeedback@LFB.org.


The KRACK of Doom

The hacks just keep coming… And this latest security flaw puts every single wireless device in your home in jeopardy. Take a look at the first of this week’s must-read articles for the full scoop on KRACK — and what you can do to fortify your cyberdefenses.


Choosing Your Survival Transportation

I’ve written at length on what emergency supplies you need, how to ready them for an instant evacuation and how to create an evacuation plan for your family so you can get the heck out of Dodge when you need to. Today, I recommend reading this piece from our friends over at 4Patriots that covers how to choose an alternative means of bugging out when the going gets tough.


How to Survive a Sniper Attack

There is no question that we can learn from the tragedy in Las Vegas and hopefully save more lives if it happens again. Here’s what you should do if you ever find yourself in a similar situation similar in which you have no idea where the gunfire is coming from.