Another attack on your 2A freedoms is in the works

In 2016, a professor named Louis Klarevas wrote a book arguing for a renewal of the 1994 assault weapons ban.

The book claimed that the assault weapons ban resulted in a 37% decline in mass shootings.

But there were many flaws in the book’s claim.

First, the supposed drop in fatalities was from mostly handgun shootings, not any sort of rifle.

In addition, in the footnote of the book the author uses a higher threshold to determine whether an incident was a mass shooting or not.

For instance, the author said six fatalities constituted a mass shooting during the assault weapons ban.

Before this, most people classified a mass shooting as more than four fatalities.

So, he raised the threshold during the 1994 ban to make it appear that fewer mass shootings occurred.

However, if the professor had used the same threshold to determine a mass shooting there wouldn’t have been any change during the assault weapons ban.

Since we know that an assault weapons ban didn’t work it’s ridiculous that lawmakers want to institute another one.

Of course, the fact that an assault weapons ban was completely ineffective won’t stop politicians from arguing for another ban.

And this is exactly what Kamala Harris – the new Democratic presidential candidate – supports.

So, here are a few things to keep in mind since there is a (hopefully slim) chance she could be the leader of the free world.

Gun sales surge:

During the pandemic, Americans purchased nearly 60 million guns.

One-fifth of U.S. households purchased a gun.

And more than 15 million people became first-time gun owners.

Americans clearly turned to firearms to defend themselves when it was clear the government wasn’t acting.

But shockingly, Harris claims the record gun sales were false.

In fact, during an interview with the anti-gun group Everytown For Gun Safety she said the surge in Americans supporting Second Amendment rights was “astroturfed.”

If someone is crazy enough to deny factually provable record gun sales, they are clearly not in touch with what’s really happening with the American people.

Which means she will plow ahead with her ideological gun grabbing, regardless of the impact to your freedoms or safety.

Don’t take a chance with you or your family’s security, so if you are thinking about buying a new gun, do it now before it’s too late.

Defund police:

In addition, Harris will gladly put you at risk from dangerous criminals, while at the same time trying to strip away your ability to defend yourself.

In the past, Harris has been a supporter of defunding the police.

She has been critical of the amount of money spent on police services instead of housing and healthcare.

She also claimed that more police officers didn’t mean more public safety.

In addition, Harris praised the Los Angeles Mayor when he stripped over $150 million from the LAPD.

She even supported the Minnesota Freedom Fund, an organization that bailed out violent criminals who were supposedly “protesting.”

These actions are a clear sign that some of our leaders in the federal government don’t care about your safety.

Which is precisely why you need to take your safety into your own hands, since the government won’t be there – or won’t take action – to help you.

Whole gun control agenda:

When the Biden-Harris ticket was elected they were called the most anti-gun administration ever.

From executive actions to lawfare attacks on the firearms industry, they have tried it all to eliminate your ability to defend yourself and your family with a gun.

The administration has gone to great lengths to crack down on Americans who make minor mistakes resulting in criminal charges.

For instance, they took action to go after private citizens who conduct private party sales.

In other words, it’s critical to make sure you are always following the latest federal and state laws regarding firearms.

Even the tiniest, most innocent mistake could lead to criminal charges with the way the federal government is attacking gun owners.

So, if you are selling or buying a firearm through a private party sale check with a lawyer to make sure you are following all the latest laws.

And it’s more important than ever to keep your guns off the government’s radar.

That way, you can keep your protection, and secure your Second Amendment freedoms intact.

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