The Battle of Section 215 pitted the present-day Jeffersons of the American scene against the bigger government Hamiltons of the same American scene. Here we had the latest chapter in the timeless tug-of-war between liberty and security, between the individual and the state. It has never resolved in open, democratic societies. It may never fully be…
How many of your fellow readers would already take testosterone? The results might surprise you…
If you take a statin you absolutely must make sure you have adequate levels of this vitamin.
It may be one of the biggest modern health trends, as thousands of men jump on the bandwagon
Are certain foods causing your joint pain? Here’s an easy way to find out.
How my mother inspires me to be healthier, and what she’s doing to feel 20 years younger without traditional exercise
How lifting weights can go wrong, and cause your body more damage than health.
If springtime allergies have you trapped indoors, try one of these 7 natural ways to get some relief.
One simple strategy to “reverse aging” in the powerhouses of your cells…
Suffer from heartburn, indigestion, or acid reflux? You may actually need more stomach acid, not less.
The mystery is solved: Nate reveals what was causing his horrible gut pain, and how he eliminated it naturally
What happens when Living Well Daily editor Nate Rifkin starts feeling horrible abdominal pain, and he can’t figure out why…
Where are people spending their money today, even if they’re strapped for cash? Not where big chain grocery stores would like…
One in three people have fatty liver. How do you know if you have it and what can you do to prevent it? Find out here.
What’s causing so many livers to choke on their own fat? Living Well Daily begins unravelling the mystery…and the answer’s not what you think.
Could there actually be a sugar replacement that’s natural and good for you? Read on to learn the truth about stevia.
Could there actually be a sugar replacement that’s natural and good for you? Read on to learn the truth about stevia.
We examine studies measuring alcohol and its effect on recovery from exercise…and whether or not you should partake.
The New York attorney general supplement saga continues, and this time a famous martial artist has entered the fray.
Is this synthetic vitamin bad for your health? Knowing the difference between folate and folic acid could help protect you from cancer, cognitive decline, and more.
Living Well publishes details on a high fructose corn syrup study which has been ignored by the mainstream media
Living Well reveals the neat trick to make virtually any vegetable taste good, using two “forbidden” ingredients and a lesson from Seinfeld
Have a cold or flu? Get sick with food poisoning? Before you resort to antibiotics, You MUST read this.
Living Well tackles the controversial issue of EMF wave safety, and whether our increasing levels of exposure are causing us more harm