
Magnesium Meltdown at the Grocery Store

Living Well Daily reveals the shocking truth about magnesium supplements, and how you may be getting ripped off. One popular form of magnesium might only be absorbed into your body at a rate of 4%. In today’s issue, you’ll discover which one it is, and a superior alternative.


Pill Hawkers, Seaweed Chips, and Mr. Ginseng

What happens when two researchers from Spy Briefing elbow their way through 71,000+ health-obsessed people at the biggest natural ingredient expo in the country? They tested out exercise gizmos, met Mr. Ginseng, and even dressed up in lab gear for a secret project. This premiere issue of Living Well Daily has the details, including photos.


The End of Money

When the government pumps trillions of dollars into the economy, they’re not actually printing the money. It enters as digital entries in banks across the country. It’s made the system fast, responsive, and, unfortunately, vulnerable. Now our money is no longer something we hold in our hands, but something that exists on a very susceptible network.


4 Ways the Government Is Set to Take Your Money

The so-called recovery is only built on debt and printed cash declares our own Byron King. In the long term, the only option for the government to continue financing it’s operations is to print too many dollars. Money printing has it’s limits, however. It’s Byron’s opinion that at some point, perhaps very soon, the government will have to turn to more desperate measures. Namely, capital controls. In the following featured essay, Byron outlines 4 probably ways the government will take your cash and one play you can buy through your broker to prepare today. Read on…


Time to Take the Plunge in Juniors

When’s the best time to invest in something? When everyone else is trying to get their money out of it. It might go against conventional thinking, but following the crowd usually makes you miss the real opportunities. At one monetary metal conference recently, the smartest guys in the industry sat down to discuss where these real hidden gems lay.