We tour an annual health expo, and the results aren’t pretty…
Save money on expensive fermented foods with this awesome device
Soap containing this special ingredient is widely available. That’s unfortunate, because it does more harm than good.
All the debate about GMO label laws is really just a clever distraction…
Last week, this reader question surfaced in our mailbag, and the simplicity of it struck me. The answer, however, isn’t quite so simple.
Is it true that only the mentally lazy fear GMOs? That’s what GMO backers would like you to believe.
Politicians eat up more steaming garbage about GMO bill H.R. 1599, served by the Coalition for Safe Affordable Food
A new drug may hold potential for preventing Alzheimer’s, but natural options are also available
Are human beings really just taxis for transporting the bugs in our guts? Here’s the humbling truth.
If you thought Chipotle’s food was GMO-free, you might be wrong…
Are there Hidden GMOs in your Supplements?
Many studies suggest moderate consumption of red wine improves health. But now and then, new research questions that conclusion. What’s the bottom line?
Their tentacles spread through academia and the government…
A newly approved herbicide makes for yet another reason to avoid non-organic and GM foods.
Fear of a protein-induced kidney damage keeping you on the carb-intensive bandwagon? Don’t worry. If you are healthy, your kidneys will be fine…
How to protect yourself from toxic water
With a month of summer left, many folks still have vacations that are coming up. A lot of us will go to the beach, and some of us will end up taking a dream holiday overseas. And while packing for Myrtle, Nags Head, or Ocean City is quite easy, there’s more you want to take into consideration when leaving the U.S.
So whether you’re headed overseas this year or a few years from now, here’s a list of items you may want to consider adding to your packing list.
Here’s how to find out how much money your doctor has received from drug companies
Eat right, exercise, and sleep well, and you’re still missing what research shows is a vital path to robust health.
The real villain behind the Animas river toxic spill
New research suggests these dangerous drugs might actually contribute to, rather than treat, heart disease.
Love coffee? Good for you! Java consumption is associated with lower death rates — and you’ll be surprised to find out how much you should drink to get the maximum benefit.
Think you’re avoiding sugar? Wait until you see where it’s hiding…
HR 1599, a bill that would nullify state GMO labelling laws and mandate other nasty federal regulations, has passed the House and is headed to the Senate