
Best way to sharpen your EDC knife?

A Bakersfield, California man was at his home one afternoon, working in his garage. He was going in and out of his house and left the garage door open. Unfortunately, a man living in a nearby sober house left his residential treatment center and entered the house with the open garage. The escapee grabbed a …


The hidden dangers of 6G technology

Most people are familiar with the Chinese company Huawei Technologies.   The company operates in over 170 countries, employ over 100,000 engineers around the globe, and has over $100 billion in annual revenue. Huawei has over 140 mobile and fixed broadband networks. They also offer consultant and management services. In addition, the company sells smartphones, …


3 ways your car is spying on you

In 2021, the electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla, earned $53.8 billion in revenue, and delivered 938,172 vehicles. The company employs about 100,000 people worldwide. And at least some of these employees share very personal information about Tesla customers. As you may know, a group of employees said that private videos from customers’ cars were regularly viewed …


Drone warfare at the southern border

In 2022, U.S. law enforcement made more than 2 million arrests along the southern border – the highest number ever at the border. Even worse, the cartels are always coming up with ways to defeat the latest U.S. security upgrades. It’s no secret that the U.S. military and government agencies have used drones extensively. This …