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How to know if a burglar is casing your home

Police in Broward County, Florida recently arrested a couple for burglary. But this couple wasn’t breaking into homes without doing their homework. They posed as employees of the local power company, targeting elderly victims and claiming to need to look around the property. In some cases, one of the criminals would distract the victim while …


Do you need a brush gun?

Ernest P. lives in Asheville with his family… One day, he was working in his driveway with his daughter when a neighbor called to say a bear was heading his way. Ernest went inside his home and grabbed a .30-30 hunting rifle. He stepped outside and shot the bear, killing it. But the shooting outraged …


Why Navy SEALs love holographic sights

In 2003, when U.S. forces moved into Iraq, military leaders worried that retreating Iraqi soldiers would destroy infrastructure. Specifically, there was concern that Iraqi forces would blow up the Mukatayin Dam (a hydroelectric dam located northeast of Baghdad). Destroying the dam would cut off power to the surrounding area, cause massive flooding that could lead …