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The startling Russia/ISIS connection

The Russian invasion of Ukraine obviously isn’t going to plan. Russian leaders believed they would easily take control of many parts of Ukraine and wrap up the war quickly. But the offensive has bogged down, and as the war drags on, Russia has resorted to accusing Ukraine of planning to use a dirty bomb. Of …


How to get your lost guns back

Jake T. lives in Natick, Massachusetts. One day, he called the police to report that he had lost his pistol. Around midnight, he said he had accidentally left his pistol on the roof of his car and drove off. The problem was that Jake thought he lost the pistol near an elementary school. Natick police, …


Day-old gun owner kills violent intruder

Yuhui Z. and her husband live in Modesto, California and they wanted a gun for self-defense. Amazingly, the day after Yuhui purchased a revolver an intruder broke into her house. Around 10 p.m. an intoxicated intruder entered the house where Yuhui and her husband live. Her husband confronted the intruder as soon as he came …


Warning: Hackers are reading your chats

Comm100 Live Chat is one company that created a platform that connects businesses with customers. It allows them to converse via live chat, audio, video, text, and other methods. The service also provides a self-service option. It allows customers to ask basic questions and receive generic answers. The Comm100 service helps companies offer 24/7 customer …