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When Danger Comes Knocking…

The ease and convenience of online shopping makes it an attractive alternative to braving the hustle and bustle of brick and mortar stores this time of year. But you might inadvertently be bringing danger straight to your front door.


The No. 1 Tool of Tradecraft

When I worked for the CIA, a multi-tool was always part of my gear. And today, I still keep a multitool on me wherever I go because you never know when you’ll need one of these handy gadgets. Check out my top 10 recommendations in today’s alert.


Flying Under the Radar

Last year, the Transportation Security Administration screened over 708 million people. That breaks down to about 1.9 million people per day. TSA agents often take items that shouldn’t necessarily be confiscated, but when you’ve got a plane to catch, you’re not in the best position to negotiate with them. Today I’ll tell you how to stay safe and keep your items from being snatched.


The Takedown of the Century

In the last few years, we’ve seen a dramatic increase in cyberattacks from foreign governments. Whether it’s hacking the personal data of more than 22 million government employees with security clearances or releasing Hillary Clinton’s emails, every news cycle seems to reveal a new breach.

And these attacks are small peanuts to what’s coming.


Training for a High-Stress Shooting

I recently had the pleasure of a visit from Laissez Faire club director Doug Hill and a few of the other great folks that work with us. I ran these guys through several drills to work on shooting in high stress situations. Here are four drills you can do at home to add some stress to your dry firing practice.


How to Stop ISIS Knife Attacks

If you engage in a knife fight, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll die. Of course ­— none of us would ever choose to be in a knife fight, but in the unpredictable world we live in, sometimes the choice isn’t ours. Today I’ll show you how to walk away from a surprise attack — without getting a knife in the back.