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Black Bag Confidential


Should you get these identity protection services?

Marriott International was the victim of one of the largest cyberattacks in history. Over four years, hackers stole about 500 million records from Marriott’s Starwood Hotels reservation system. According to Marriott, about 327 million of the accounts included passport details. Hackers exposed the personal data of customers including their credit card numbers. In 2020, two …


Would you pay a ransom or not?

By now, you are familiar with the Colonial Pipeline cyber-attack. In this case, hackers used a ransomware attack to take the pipeline offline. Colonial Pipeline’s main gas line carries gasoline and diesel to the U.S. east coast. The attack and subsequent shortage caused more than 1,000 gas stations to run out of fuel. And two …


Why thieves are targeting your trash

A group of criminals in St. Tammany Parish, LA were arrested after they went dumpster diving. This criminal ring was targeting trash from a local loan business – one of those “cash now” places. The group rummaged through the trash to gather personal information about customers. They used this information to either steal existing credit …


Is your home title already stolen?

Norris Fisher sold $4 million worth of property during his career… But, none of the sales he made were legal. He stole people’s property out from underneath them using forged documents and fake credentials. Here’s an example of the type of crimes Norris and his criminal friends commit: One day, John S. of Fort Worth, …


National gun registry?

Federal background checks are required to buy guns from a licensed dealer. But what happens to the paperwork you fill out to buy a gun? What happens with your ATF Form 4473?: Form 4473 is the form that you fill out to buy a gun from a licensed dealer. It’s a few pages long and …