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Black Bag Confidential


5 new guns to check out in 2023

With violent crimes increasing and new gun laws taking effect (Constitutional Carry, or permit-less concealed carry), 2023 will be another year with high numbers of gun sales. And there are a lot of new and unique firearms that will hit the market this year. In fact, here are five new firearms you may wish to …


Shocking truth about the nationwide rise in theft

Retail theft is out of control. According to Mark Mathews at the National Retail Federation, “The kind of theft that’s mostly happening isn’t run-of-the-mill shoplifting. It’s organized crime.” In Charlotte, NC, one ring of thieves stole millions of dollars’ worth of merchandise. The thieves were shoplifting over-the-counter drugs, focusing on stores such as CVS, Walgreens, …


5 reasons to attend a gun show ASAP

I love gun shows and just went to one last month. But if you live in California, you likely won’t see many gun shows in the future. That’s because this year California became the first state to ban gun shows on state property. The new law bans the sale of firearms and ammunition on property …